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Preemie Twins Stories Submitted by Visitors
December 28th 2002
02:27:41 PM
Angel in Michigan
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our dear freinds just went into the hospital and are undergoing a c-section to deliver their 26 week +5days, twins. if you have some referrals for the best websites, books and support chapters please email us so we can relay the info. we are praying for them
December 28th 2002
08:43:44 AM
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I had a textbook pregnancy until 20 weeks except for being horribly mrning sick(all day) which I thought was strange because with my other two I was only sick one time each pregnancy. At 20 weeks my us revealed two babies after a visit to a specialist we found out that they did have a very thin membrane between them but they shared a placenta I went into labor at 26 weeks and after 24 hours they stopped it and sent me home on bed rest. My dr.let me up at 35 weeks and I immediatley went Christmas shopping in a wheelchair and started having contractions
after I wrapped the kids presents I went to the dr. to discover that in the 2hours I had dialated to 4 so I went to the hospital and had a c-section with the drs reassurances that they would be fine they were completely developed. Paige cried very weakly but I didn’t hear Brooke cry and was terrified because I couldn’t see anything and noone would tell me anything They were sent to a hospital 75 miles away and I was left with 2 polaroids. At first They were on cpap for the trip up there and thenthe ventilater for 2 days they had 2 doses of surfectant and then they put them back on the cpap now they are off their IVs and cobedding they are learning to eat from a bottle I really hope that they will be home soon
December 27th 2002
03:47:28 AM
Trudi Penrose-Starr
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I have been reading through the posts and noticed many babies were born premmie and with TTTS. We have a TTTS website and newsletter.. Many parents currently going through a TTTS pregnancy are looking for hope. If any of you would like to have your story put on the TTTS website or in the newsletter please let us know..
December 17th 2002
12:23:59 PM
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preemie twins.com
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I gave birth on Nov. 19 2002 at 24wks. gestational age. I have twin boys. Twin A is Joshua Lee Twin B is Caleb Patrick. Joshua weighing in at 1lb. 6oz. Caleb at 2lbs. They are both in isolettes. Caleb seems to be doing fine, he is on a CPAP and tolerating his feedies. Joshua on the other hand is not so lucky. He’s still on the ventilater, has been treated for NEC, and now they are talking about surgery for his PDA. If that’s not enough yesterday i’m told about a shunt that may need to be placed in his head, and he is going to have cerebral palsy they just don’t know to what degree. All of this to absorb in 4 short weeks.
November 20th 2002
10:49:55 PM
Timothy and Telisha
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We had triplets July 11,2002 Tatyana, Treasure, and Timothy they weighed 3lbs 5 ozs, 3lbs 6ozs, and 3 lbs 7ozs. We did not use fertility pills they were all natural. They stayed in the NICU for almost a month they are all doing well and sleeping through the night sometimes. The challenge now is going to places as a family. My husband and I are use to going places together, but now we must really have things
planned in advance. It has been a rewarding experience I would like to talk with more families in this situation.
November 12th 2002
02:18:59 PM
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Abbigail Emily Grace Johnson was born first on 11-04-02, at 11:51 pm, she weighed 3 lbs. 1 oz., and was almost 15 in. long, she cried when she was born, and everything appeared to be fine….Britanie Kryssah Marie Johnson was born 6 minutes later at 11:57 pm, she weighed 2 lbs. 9 oz., and was almost 15 in. long, although she didn’t cry until 7 minutes after birth, in which the doctors finally got her to breath. Abbigail (Abbie) and Britanie (Britah), now have their own separate NICU room, in which they share. As of today, November 12th, 2002, they are almost 8 days old,Britah, during the past week lost almost 9oz. of weight, but now, is back from her low of 2 lb. to 2 lb. 4 oz., she is still in an incubator sometimes, and is on 20% oxygen. Abbie, was diagnosed yesterday with a weak detiriorating heart, we are looking for heart donors and Abbie, doesn’t have much time, she is also on a breathing machine, and a heart rate monitor. Britah is doing great, and the doctors think she’ll continue to do well. They both have screenings for their vision and hearing tomorrow afternoon, so please pray for the best for me and my girls!
I know I am young and scared of what is to happen, where this road will lead, what will happen to Abbie, to Britah, how this will all affect my life, but I do know, within my heart, that I will love these girls more than anyone else ever could and that I will make something of my life. Abbie and Britah might not have been planned, but I have loved then more than ever since the first day I knew I was pregnant and I always will. These girls are my life and will continue to be my life, Logan’s spirit will live on through his two little girls, and I will always believe that…God doesn’t give us anything that we can’t handle…He doesn’t just throw something in our path and hope that we can deal with it, it’s put in our life for a reason, and God knows we can handle it and we can make it through, He believes in us
November 12th 2002
02:15:56 PM
Logan and Alyssa Johnson
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through the preemie portal (www.preemie.com)
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I am Alyssa, and I am the mother of two identical twin girls. I sometimes regret to say how old I am, for a am a very young mother, I know, at the age of only 16. And I know how that can be looked down upon to many people. But I do not regret anything beyond that. I hope people will understand, that even though I am a young mother, I am still a person, a human being, and I do have the ability to love, and I love my girls with my whole heart.
My bf, Logan, of 4 mo. got me pregnant in July 2002. although I didn’t know I was pregnant at that time. Logan unfortunatley didn’t ever find out that I was pregnant, as he was away to CA, getting ready for college in Santa Barbara. I know what I felt for Logan was real and that I loved him with all my heart, and could never love anyone quite the same. August 17th 2002, he flew out to CA, to be with his future roomates of the new college school year, He was there for a week and was scheduled to fly back on a night flight on August 23rd 2002. I was on the cell phone with him, talking to him as him and his three three roomates were driving to the airport, the last thing he said to me was, ” I love you, and I’ll see you soon.” Then 7 minutes after we hung up the phone, Logan was involved in a fatal car accident, that ended up killing 4 of the 5 people involved. The one who survived was not Logan, Logan died almost immediately after the crash, but his last words to a paramedic were, “tell here I love her, and I’ll see her soon.”Logan would have been the perfect daddy.
October 16th, 2002, I found out I was pregnant and with twins. And from then on, it was a bumpy road. I went into labor, two different times, but luckily they stopped me from delivering. But then on Nov. 4th, 2002, I had contractions for 17 hours until I finally delivered twin extreme preemies,….I was almost 16 weeks when I delivered, but the doctors said they were “extreme preemies” because they looked like they had been born later then they were….Abbi
November 9th 2002
10:39:06 AM
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November 2nd 2002
04:53:05 PM
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My twins boys were born January 2,1990 at 30 weeks. Shawn at lbs. 12 oz. and Shane at 3 lbs. 2 oz. Shane was put on a respirator right after birth due to complications of twin to twin transfusion. He was off the respirator and oxygen in 3 days. Shawn remained on oxygen for 1 1/2 months. They stayed in the hospital 2 months 3 days. Aside from gaining wight at a much slower than usual rate, they have had no setbacks due to their early birth. They have just entered 7th grade and at the top of their class. Miracles do happen.
November 1st 2002
09:41:24 PM
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Oct 26, 2001!I had my twins at 28 weeks. They were born in a littlehospital, I was 8cm when I went to the hospital. I was in denial that I was in labour! It was too late for mag, and too late to fly me to the nicu to deliver, which was 1hr flight time away. The babes were born weighing 2lb, 8oz., and 2lb, 12oz. I have a boy and a girl. We found out recently that my son wasn’t expected to make the flight, but he did, and they spent the next 2 months in the scn in vancouver childrens hospital, and another month in the nursery of our regional hospital. The babies had all the usual a’s, b’s and d’s, as well as pda’s needing to be closed. They both had many septic attacks, as well as feeding problems. Thankfully the one thing that didn’t affect them was nec. My son had laser surgery on both eyes, and we have been blessed that his vision is great. My daughter had a grade 3 brain hemmorhage, and thankfully again we were blessed that she diidn’t need a shunt. We still monitor her head growth and I am still paranoid about syptoms of cranial pressure, but I am starting to ease up. I stayed with the babies the whole time. My brother in law lived only an hour away from the hospital, so they drove me there every day. My husband would drive down on weekends, and get in as much kangarooing as he could. I pumped for 5 months, but wound up only nursign one baby, the one who I figured would enver get the hang of nursing. My babies just turned one last week, and are crawling, sitting and one is standing. They dont talk yet, using actual words, but definately talk to each other!! My husband and I would love to have twins again, but the since my labour wasn’t officially diagnosed I am too nervous to go through another pregnancy again. I believe that my labour was caused by a prenatal massage that I had the day before, in which I had an obdominal massage that felt strange, the paisn started right after. I unfortunately don’t beleive in my theory enough to be confidant that anot
October 22nd 2002
01:30:52 PM
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I Had a very difficult pregnancy. I found out I was pregnant at 7wks due to spotting I had an U/S and discovered I was pregnant with twins, at 12wks I started bleeding heavily thought I was miscarrying and found out I had a subchorionic hematoma continued to bleed until I was 18wks. Thought everything was better until my water broke at 24 wks Dr. told me I was incontinent and that I just had to much pressure on my bladder(I knew it was my water, incompetent doctor)at 25 wks and 5 days I went into labor and when I got to the hospital I was 3cm dilated they administered mag sulfate tributaline and bethamatasone for lung maturity and exactly 48hrs later Ryan stuck his feet out and I had an emergency C-section at exactly 26wks Ryan Cole was born at 2lbs 6oz and Nathan Tyler was born at 1lbs 13oz. They were in the NICU 69 and 71 days. At 4 days old, the day I left the hospital Nathan had a massive rectal hemmorage Doctors told me I had an hour to get to the Hosp. to say goodbye to my son, that he would not make it through the night. He survived Thank God and both boys are doing great They are 5 months old today and are 12lbs and 10lbs respectively and are smiling and cooing and working with developmental specialist monthly So far everything is great. We are so Blessed!
October 8th 2002
04:59:00 AM
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My twins were born May of 2001 at 31 weeks gestation by c-section after my waters broke. Sara was born at 15.55 weighing 1.230 kilos and Samuel was born at 15.57 weighing 1.960 kilos. Samuel was intubated for nearly 48 hours and spent over a week afterwards on oxygen. Both Sara and Samuel had episodes of apnea but thrived and Samuel came home 3.5 weeks after his birth and his sister arrived home 5 days later. I stayed in hospital with the twins for the duration which was difficult but I needed to be there with them. My husband came every evening and all day on weekends. It seems a distant memory now but at the time I felt no-one understood what I was going through and looking back it was one of the most difficult adaptation periods I have been through ever. I was so happy to have them home with me but spent weeks being over-protective and paranoid, I used to check every 5 minutes that they were still breathing.
They are now 17 months old and are the most beautiful children I’ve ever seen! They seem to have caught up with their development but are still not really talking, only “ma-ma” and “pa-pa”. They both walked at 12-13 months and crawled at 10 months which I understand is normal anyway. Does anyone have any experience with corrected age-starting to talk as I would love some advice re: this.
September 24th 2002
11:54:48 AM
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My water broke in the doctors office during an ultra sound. I was rushed to the hospital. I was only 32 weeks pregnant and so very terrified. The doctor and nurses didn’t want to check to see if I was dialating because they didn’t want to speed things up. So I sat in the hospital crying. By the evening family and friends knew and people were coming to visit. At about 10:00 pm my mom (who lives 4 hours away) arrived. My husband and her fell asleep as I started hard labor. Long story short I delivered my wonderful son Griffin William at 9:25AM weighing in at 4.0 lbs. Then came my wonderful daughter at 11:04AM weighing in at 4.1 lbs. They never needed a vent so I had it in my head that we would be in the hospital a week max. I was wrong. After my 2 day stay in the hospital we went home woith out our babies. Every day we would drive to the hospital and stay until midnight. We would do the Kangaroo care (skin to skin) care every night. We called it a date with our babies. My husband and I would switch babies each day. After three weeks Kendal was able to come home. They say girls are stronger. Griffin still continued to forget to breath. He also had a hard time eating. He’d stop breathing while eating. So, they would put O2 on him while we fed him. It was so sad to see the tubes in his nose. It was also so hard to have one at home and one in the hospital. We kept waiting for the news that Grifin was fine and could come home. They kept saying that if he’d have 5 dys with no episodes he’d go home. After 4 days he ended up with a hernia. So, we had to drive three hours away to a “better” hospital and pray as he went through surgery. Two days after surgey he was fine and they let us take him home. So he was 5 weeks old. That first week was terrifying. I was so afraid they woulod stop breathing. I’d watch to make sure their lips were pink and not dusky. It was so scarey. They are 3 months old now. I am a zombie still trying to adjust
September 12th 2002
09:49:17 PM
Wan Sze Broda
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Our boys, Olinga and Qurban were born 8 weeks early with complications as many preemies have.
For 4 months I laid on my left side, assigned to bed rest in order to maximize the rate of growth to my severely growth restricted fetus, Qurban. No one had any idea why this was happening until after the birth.
It was Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome and it almost cost the life of both my precious boys.
At first the outlook was bleak. We were told there was a 50% chance that the growth restricted twin would die. A 30% chance existed where we would lose both. After weekly visits to the ultrasound, at 4 1/2 months, I was told to stop work, and get in bed for an undetermined amount of time. In the end, I was on bedrest until they decided to deliver the boys at 32 weeks gestation.
At 2 and 4 pounds, the boys came screaming into the world like a piglet and cat, one being put on the respirator and the other luckily, was fine. Their birth was a success and all was worth sacrificing to have seen their beautiful little beings for the first time.
I prayed to God that I would endure any other test related to the twins as long as they lived through this first ordeal of their life. This I have but not without great difficulty.
After a 3 week incubation period for the heavier twin and an 8 week incubation for the second, we were finally altogether as a family. My husband had started a new job in another city, and performed a move while I was recovering in hospital.
During the recovery period, the wound of my cesarian opened and an additional 6 weeks was required for it to fully heal. In the meantime, my boys were in hospital receiving pumped milk and the breast as much as possible. Upon discharge from the hospital however, at 3 months, I developed mastitis and discovered from my doctor that Qurban was losing weight because he was not properly latching.
By their 9 month birthday growth challenges continued to persist. Our children are growing at the
September 12th 2002
04:44:17 PM
Susan Callender-Bohman
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I started having contractions at 24 weeks, but they were dismissed as Braxton-Hicks. A few days later, after being on bedrest for 3 days, the contractions were still continuing, so I went to the hospital for a checkup. I was found to be 3cm dilated and there was a foot and intact bag of waters protruding. Medications were started to stop the labor, and arrangements were made to transfer me to Anchorage where there were specialists. A second exam a little later found two feet down, and it was decided the girls would be born by emergency C-section, and they would be transported to Anchorage. The girls, Emma and Hanna, were born on July 26th, 2002, and have been at Providence Hospital ever since. We haven’t adjusted to the NICU roller coaster ride, even to the fact that we are parents since our children are over 6 hours away and we can only get to them a few times a month. The nurses and doctors there are the best, and your stories help to feel less alone. If you can offer any advice please share it with us – we are very overwhelmed by all of the therapists and agencies and doctors. The girls are doing as well as can be expected, you can find updates on their website. 
September 11th 2002
03:08:51 PM
Lynne Sperrin
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I had triplet boys at 30 weeks March 1999, Joseph 2lb10oz, Harry 2lb14oz and George 3lb4oz. My miracle boys were in nicu for 7,7 and 8 weeks Joseph came off the ventilator after 2 days, Harry after 3 and george plodded for appx 7 days. Joseph was the fighter out of the three but had more set backs than his siblings. George had no set backs at all!! I cannot beleive how lucky I am each day to have such healthy beautiful boys. They are 3 1/2 yrs old now and you would never know that they had such a rough start in life, they have caught up with their’corrected age’ and have just started pre school(every day) Life is good!!!
September 8th 2002
10:39:07 AM
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My twin boys were born June 1st 2002 at 35 weeks. Tyler James Quinn and Cayden Trystan Brandon. Tyler (baby A) water broke and subsequently both babies were born five weeks early. I had been in hospital a few days earlier and all was well. Tyler has issues right now, he is crying constantly, they are doing tests to find out whats wrong, we go back to the hospital tomorrow to find out results. I thank God everyday for my boys, I am a young mom (23 years old) and am doing my best for these two boys, I am so blessed to have them in my life.
September 4th 2002
04:43:46 PM
Brian & Laura Herren
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This is the story of three beautiful premature babies born into our family. Our first preemie Joshua was born three days after Christmas 1998 at 28 weeks gestation, weighing in at just 2lbs 14oz. After subsequent hospitalizaitons for pre-term labor, my membranes ruptured and was able to hold off labor with mag sulfate and terbutaline for 11 days until an infection forced the doctors to deliver him. Amazingly he was only on the ventilator for 12 hours and could breath on his own with the help of the CPAP. He did not have any major complications other than the typical Apnea, Brady’s, Jaundice etc. He came home to join his 2 year old big sister on the following Valentine’s Day. Today he is a healthy, active…almost too active…three year old boy with no developmental delays
Our twin daughters were also born into this world prematurly on August 18, 2002 at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. Madisyn Ann 1lb 13oz and Kylie Marie 2lbs 2oz were born at 27 weeks gestation due to Twin A’s bag of water breaking. Both are still on the vent and had PDA surgery one week ago. The surgery went very well and we are expecting both girls to be taken off the vent and put on CPAP later this week
. Although they are still really small and unstable, they are strong and I hope and pray they do as well as their brother did.
It is a long, hard and sometimes lonely struggle for parents when their child is born so tiny and is so helpless. Even though this is my second time in the NICU, it is still just as painful and scary. If you want to talk to someone who is going through this with you please do not hesitate to e-mail me.
August 29th 2002
05:39:47 AM
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looking for information on nec
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December of 2000 I had my second preemie at 26 weeks weighing 2pds. 1oz.I was excited considering my first preemie was 1pd 6oz.So anyway at 5 days old son had a routin chest x ray,and at he bottom of the x-ray it showed some of his stomach.They found aconsiderable amount of air in the abdomen and had to rush him and hour away to a medcal center,He was diagnoised with nec and had his surgrey that night .The roller coaster keep going when after the surgrey he developed phenomania and styed on the vetalater for a month.Then his colostomey was giving us problems and his intestines where not absorbing so they took away the breast milk and gave him formula and it helped. After three months he finally gained to the 3pds he needed to have his surgry done to reconnected . after alost 4 long months My babycam home the doctor said he wasa big boy now and needed nothing. I felt somethin was still wrong , i staed up three nights straight thank god cause i steped away for a momment and came back to my baby who was blue . I revived him myself and took him straight to the hospital where we spent another month and ten came home wit apnea monitor and o2 .My son is now gonna be 21 monthes and he is just starting to talk,has been walking for 2 monthes.He has severe bpd and needs his nebulizer often and over the last 6 monthes we have been having bowel problems, Now the doctors say he is impacted again and all the medicines to clean him out are not working .Im so scared cause im afraid his intestines wil perforate again. When i speak with the specialist he tells me people really are not sure of the after effects of the surgrey since children are now more and more making it through the surgrey.If anyone has ever had problems after the surgrey i would love for anyone to fill me in ,My husbandand i are wondering if children with nec fully heal or do they go on o have bowel problems.
August 24th 2002
11:29:19 PM
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My twins will be 5 years old next weekend. They were 1 pound 10 ounces and 1 pound 11 ounces. They still have issues like gaining weight VERY slowly but I am glad to have them here. Kindergarden starts on Monday and I thank God for my blessings. Please write if you need someone to talk to or share a story with.
August 1st 2002
08:09:08 PM
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I have twin boys that were born at 30 weeks. Dylan (baby a) weighed 2lbs 9oz and Ian weighed 3lbs 3oz I sat in the hospital prior to that for 3 weeks because my water broke with Dylan. When they born dylan had a blood transfusion, the whole nine yards. That is pretty scary. They were in the hospital for 6 weeks and were able to come home healthy as can be. No monitors or anything. They are 7 months and are weighing almost 17lbs and almost 19lbs.
July 28th 2002
04:43:21 PM
melissa adams
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Well it is a week since i left my twin girls in icu,this has been the hartest week ever. sara christine harrison 3lbs 5 oz and hannh michelle harrison 4lbs 5 oz not as small as some i have read but they are on incubators because of apena in both. i hope they move along quickly pray for my girls and i am praying for all babies in scaring situations too.
July 23rd 2002
04:33:42 PM
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2 years ago on Mother’s Day to our surprise I gave birth to a tiny little boy of 638 grams (1 lb 6oz). Nothing prepared us for this rollercoaster ride we would experience having a baby at 24 weeks. He was born in a small community hospital where they didn’t have small enough tubes. It took our “angle nurse” Melissa 3 hours of bagging him before the helicopter got there to take him to a bigger and better equiped hospital. 6 hours after he was born, he was flown to the bigger, more equiped hospital in Victoria, BC. We didn’t know what to expect.
When we arrived we were immediately overwhelmed. The nurses in the SCN (Special Care Nursery) were very nice in helping us understand what was going on. Nothing can really prepare one for the ups and downs of having a preemie. Through all the apnea’s, hernia surgery, retina surgery and many MRI’s we came out all right. He is now 2 years old and doing amazingly well. He is doing what a full-term 2 year old would be doing and more. He is talking and picking up on so much and getting into everything possible. We will always have a place in our hearts for the nurses and doctors at Victoria General Hosptials Special Care Nursery.
We have our special guy to remind us of them each and every day.
E. Yates
July 21st 2002
09:00:51 PM
E. Yates
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On Feb 10 2002 I had boy-girl preemie twins at 28 weeks. April Louise was 1lb 9oz and Eric Matthew was 2lbs 9oz. They were in the hospital for two months and 2 1/2 months. Eric came home April 10 2002 and April came home April 21 2002. They are now 5 months old and doing well. April is now 8 1/2 ls and Eric is 9 1/2 lbs.
July 20th 2002
12:44:15 PM
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A little history:
I found out @ 1 month I was preggo. @4 months we were gonna find out the gender, at the u/s we found out it was two instead of 1!! From there we had monthly u/s. @ 22 weeks they realized my babies weren’t growing, and also that they were Girls! so from there we had weekly u/s. Not very fun! so @ 26 weeks my Dr. switched me to another specialist for level 2 u/s. But things didn’t go well, this Dr. seen me one time, and kept cancelling my appointments until I was 30 weeks. So finally I was 30 weeks and 3 days I had another u/s that showed Destiny had grown a little, but Dekotta had absolutely no fluid around her. I was immediately admitted to Umass Memorial. They had injected me for 2 days with steroids and on the 3 day at 1:00 pm Destiny was taken weighing 2 lbs. 9.4 oz 15 inches long. and @ 1:01 pm Dekotta was taken weighing only 1 lb. 9 oz 13 inches long. My fiance Keith got to hold Destiny for about 1 min and showed me, Dekotta was shown to us and sailed away to the NICU. I did get to see them that day, because they had me so messed up on morphine, and the epideral. The next day was the best day of my life when I got to see how precious and tiny my angels were and to think I had made them! I finally 2 days later got to hold them. Destiny was on the cpap for about 2 weeks, under the lights for a few days and under the oxyhood for about a week. She came home @ 1 month. Dekotta was on the cpap for about 1 1/2 months, and was home at 2 months. 

July 14th 2002
08:35:42 PM
Dana Kalstad
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I was 27 weeks pregnant when I had my twin girls. Haylie Grace and McKenna Faith, due to major problems during my pregnancy. I had an incompetent cervix and I had a cerclage put in at 13 weeks. I was put on bed rest, due to early dialation. Everthing that could go wrong with a pregnancy went wrong, all except genestational diabetes and Hepatitis B. I had a crash C-Section, I fully dialtated and fully afaced within a couple of hours.
Haylie weighed 2lbs 3oz, didnt cry at first and they rushed her into the NICU unit where I was not allowed to see them until the following Day.
McKenna weighed 1lb 11oz and came out crying, but she did had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck twice.
Due to their size, they have had no major complications. The only thing at first was the typical Apnea, Brady’s and periodical breathing. McKenna had a little blood on the brain, but they said that it was common in preemies their birth age.
8 out of 10 doctors told my husband and myself that McKenna was not going to survive. They couldnt be any more wrong. She was the first to come home. She was off the oxygen a month earlier than Haylie. Haylie stayed in 2 weeks later than McKenna, Haylie had chronic lung disease and that was keeping her on the oxygen. They found out this and put her on a medicine and it worked. She came home 4 days after all the testing. But she still had some breathing problem until around her 5th month.
They are now 7 months old and Haylie weighes 16lbs and McKenna weighs 13lbs. They are both doing excellent and they are only 2 months behind their corrective age, instead of 3 months. We work with them everyday in grabbing and reaching and standing. They roll over and they are starting to crawl.
Oh yeah… they are fraternal 
July 12th 2002
08:54:09 PM
Shannon and Alan
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Jocelyn and Kirsten were born June 9, 2002. Our daughters were born at 28 weeks 5 days. Jocelyn weighed 2 lbs and Kirsten weighed 1 lb 15.6 ounces. Mom had Preeclamsia and had been hospitalized six days before delivery. On delivery day they determined she had Pulmonary Edema, which means she had a swollen heart and fluid in her lungs. Both girls were born small, even for their premature age. Just two and a half weeks earlier an ultrasound showed both girls at about the size and weight they were delivered at. They hardly grew at all the final two weeks due to how sick the Preeclamsia had made mom.
Jocelyn has been the sicker of the two girls. She had to be intubated, she also had one of her lungs collapse and air in her chest cavity. Three days after birth they also found blood on her brain. Over time both girls have been improved. Although it has not been a linear progression. They have both had their setbacks. We have built a website for them to record their ongoing journey. In it we track their day to day progress and hope to show it to them some day as a journal of their first days.
July 3rd 2002
12:55:59 AM
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My auntie just gave birth on July 1, 2002 10 weeks early. Her daughter is 3 pounds 1 1/2 ounces. Does anyone have information on the importance of touch for premie babies? Where can I find studies that prove the importance of touch and how it helps premies health?
June 29th 2002
08:57:47 PM
Your Story:
I had preemie twins on Dec.10,2000. They were born at 22 weeks gestation. One weighed 15.7oz and the other weighed 1lb5.5oz. They both had PDA surgery, Lasik eye surgery, hernia surgery,and feeding tubes inserted. They both had many problems, but thankfully they are fine now. They are 18 months corrected age. They do not walk or talk yet,but they do crawl,clap, play patty cake, play peek a boo, stand, and walk along furniture. One walks with a push walker, and is almost ready to go unassisted. They recieve many kinds of therapy. Beside the fact that they are very small 15 and 16 lbs, they are perfectly healthy. They are actually the youngest twins that have survived at the hospital where they were born. And the doctors said they would NOT survive the night!!!!!!!
June 5th 2002
12:18:58 PM
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Searching for info. on twins
Your Story:
My twin girls are truly miracles. Born at 23 & 5/7 weeks, weighing 1lb. 3.3 0z and 1 lb. 4.5 oz., on March 2, 2001, eyes still fused shut, translucent skin and both on ventilators. I was told they were not considered viable that early and that they usually did not rescucitate, but they did with Allyson. Allyson (the smaller of the 2)was on full life support for blood pressure (which was extremely low) and respiratory. She ended up on an Oscillator ventilator and had to be sedated since she fought it. They suspected NEC with Megan on a couple of occasions, she has a PDA (still to this day), and severe ROP. Both girls had ROP, and had laser surgery (Allyson only had the surgery in one eye). Megan’s retinas ended up beginning to detach despite the laser surgery and had to be transported to Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Clinic for another surgery. They placed scaleral buckles around the retinas to help them reattach (which they have). This summer she will be having another minor surgery to remove them. She is visually impaired, wears glasses at 15 months of age (actual age) and has a nistagmus in both eyes. We were told she may have been blind so we are thrilled she has some vision. Neither of the girls are walking yet, Allyson is trying hard to crawl and is close. Megan just wants to stand (with help) and may skip the crawling all together. The Infants & Toddlers Program works with them weekly. They have PT, Special Ed, Visual Ed (for Megan) and both have Speech therapy (for feeding issues). Allyson spent 110 days in the NICU and was discharged on an Apnea Monitor as well as Oxygen. Megan spent 115 days in the NICU and was discharged on an Apnea Monitor. We had many middle of the night calls to get there and that things didn’t look good, but they beat many odds and surprised many doctors. At 15 months old, Megan weighs about 16 1/2- 17 lbs. and Allyson is about 15 lbs. (will be weighed again this week). Tiny girls but true miracles. They are such figh
May 31st 2002
05:18:40 PM
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Another NICU mom
Your Story:
On March 27th of this year, I gave birth to identical twin girls when I was 28 weeks pregnant. One was 2 lbs. 0 oz., and the other was 2 lbs. 7 oz.. After 14 days, the smaller of the two passed away, and I am still having to go to the NICU every day to see my other daughter. It has been a tremendously difficult thing to do – going up to the same place that one of my babies died, and trying to be positive for my surviving daughter. I have no other children and an incredible husband, but I am still struggling to keep my sanity throughout this whole ordeal. I have so many issues that I am trying to deal with and some days, I don’t think I can go on. My surviving baby girl is doing fairly well – she turned 2 months old this past Monday – but mommy isn’t doing so well.. I am wondering if it would help me to talk to anyone who has been in a similar situation. I am so angry and confused and I get jealous when I see other moms or pregnant women. I especially get angry when I think of women who abuse their bodies while they’re pregnant and then give birth to beautiful healthy babies, while I did everything I could to keep myself and my girls healthy, and I ended up losing one and the other is still in the NICU.
May 26th 2002
10:22:06 AM
Toni Wells
How did you find our site?
Kim Rowley sent me the link. 🙂
Your Story:
My first pregnancy was a real fight to keep going. I was put on bedrest at 9 weeks and stayed there until I was 34 weeks. Even in bed I fought with Pre-term labor. Hope arrived at 36 weeks just shy of being technically full term. She weighed 8 lbs and even though her heart rate crashed right before she was delivered, everything seemed fine.
8 months later I was pregnant again. This time there were no real big complications. I wasn’t put on bedrest or anything. I had really bad morning sickness for the first 5 months, but the baby was growing right on schedule so no one was concerened. Later we found my thyroid had gone hyper and I developed gestational diabetes. Diet controlled the diabetes pretty well until the beginning of October, then I was started on insulin. 2 weeks later I didn’t feel well. My back had a constant ache that was so bad I couldn’t get comfortable. I had battled a UTI through the whole pregnancy so this was nothing new. I just thought it was another flare up. I called the doctor and she sent me to the hospital to be checked. Everything looked fine, I wasn’t dialating even though the monitor showed some decent contractions. Just being checked caused some intense pain though. I thought I was being ripped apart. The contractions the monitor showed slowed down, so I was sent home.
The next day I felt worse. Nothing I did was comfortable. I could hardly move, but I plodded along doing laundry and taking care of my then 14 month old daughter. My sister called and while we were talking she said I sounded terrible. She begged me to call the doctor and go back to the hospital. I did and let her know I was going. My mother-in-law drove me in. When we got there we found out the pain the night before was because my uterus was now tipped so my cervix faced backwards. We also found out I was dialated to almost 4 cm. Over the next hour the contractions continued, even though I didn’t feel them, and the doctor told me I wa
May 25th 2002
06:25:35 PM
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Your Story:
May 6th 2002
04:50:29 PM
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webring member
Your Story:
Jackson and Sophie were born on February 8, 2000 at 24 weeks. They were 1 lb. 5 oz, and 1 lb. 7 oz. They had the regular assortment of premature problems, but avoided NEC and PVL thankfully. They stayed a month past their due date, because they had terrible feeding skills. They started early intervention within the first couple of months after coming home, and are still receiving therapies. Sophie was rehospitalized with several respiratory illnesses her first year (including RSV, despite Synagis) but none this year.
Today they are a healthy 27 month olds, and are not much different than other kids their adjusted age. Sophie is still mastering walking, she can do it, but her movement isn’t very fluid. Jack puts words together in 3-4 word sentences, jumps and climbs like a little monkey.
We are very blessed for the miracles that we were given.
May 4th 2002
06:17:27 PM
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linked from another site
Your Story:
My twin boys were born at 31 weeks, Shayne weighed 4lb 9oz and Garritt weighed 4lb 12oz. They were born Feb. 13 2002. They stayed in the NICU in St. Charles Medical center in Bend Oregon for 2 week, then they were moved to LaGrande hospital for one more week. They had a few problems along the way, but they are doing really good now. They are both over 10lbs and are 11 weeks old. 😛
May 3rd 2002
11:46:02 AM
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searching the internet
Your Story:
Our sons, Cameron and Colin, came at 28 1/2 weeks. I was prepared for them to come early, but not thst early. I noticed spotting on the morning of September 21 and called my doctor. The nurse told us to come in right away. I wasn’t scared at this point b/c I just knew there was medication to stop the labor. I just figured I’d be on bedrest for the next 12 weeks. Well that wasn’t to be the case. By that Sunday morning, my water had broken and we were going to deliver. Cameron Jeffrey (2lbs. 5oz.) and Colin Joshua (1lb. 15oz.) were born September. 23. I wasn’t prepared for the rollercoaster of emotions we would endure over the next 6 1/2 weeks, but by the grace of God our boys came home the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Colin had to go back in Thanksgiving day b/c he had a reaction to his immunization shots, but he was home in about 5 days. We’ve been going strong since then. Both babies weigh about 15 lbs. and we’re 7 months now. So we’re catching up fast. I’m still a little leery about taking them out in public and letting people fawn over them. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for that. I’d love to hear what you other mothers did about taking your babies out. I try to make every moment with them count and I don’t take them for granted. I thank God everyday for them b/c I can’t imagine life without them. Those days in the NICU seemed so bleak and hopeless, but I know now it was worth it to see them healthy and happy little boys. For anyone going through the experience of having your twins early know that God has a plan for them and He has all power. I’m so glad I found this site. Sometimes I feel all alone b/c none of my friends have had the experience of having a preemie (or two preemies) so even though they mean well, they just don’t understand. But now I feel like I’ve found a community of support. Thank you!!
April 24th 2002
01:50:04 PM
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internet link
Your Story:
My identical twin boys, Luca Antonio and Gianpaolo were born on Dec 5, 2001 approx. 6 weeks early. Preemies according to the hospital.
My experience was absolute heaven, my pregnancy was a joy and my delivery was very rewarding. I used a midwife and doula. Drug free, 21 hrs. of labor and 5 hrs. of pushing. Luca Antonio was born at 3:30 in the afternoon and Gianpaolo was born over 1 hr. later.
They spent 2 weeks in the NICU not because they were sick but because they were weak and came home to us at 5 lbs. each. After suffering from intestinal bleeding due to a severe protein allergy they are a healthy 15lbs each and gaining.
I am nothing short of blessed.
April 24th 2002
11:59:17 AM
How did you find our site?
linked from twinsclub.com
Your Story:
My twins, Jacob Walter and Abigail Patricia, were born on 11-29-01 at 32 weeks. At first Jacob was doing great but Abigail had to be intabated and transfered to a Children’s Hospital because of the many abnormalities found in her ribs and thorex area of her vertebrae. Once Abby was stable she slowly improved and was moved back to be with her brother. Then on Dec 12 all hell broke lose. Jacob was home with me and stopped breathing he was admitted to Childeren’s Hospital with some unknown virus, will his sister started failing in the hospital. Both had to be put on ventalators and Abby had to be transfered back to Children’s Hosp. The next day they both coded, and till this day nobody could tell us what happened. For the next 3-4 weeks we had good days and definite bad ones. Jacob was diagnosed with PVL, periventricular leukomacia, and Abby had her abnormalities. Right now it is a wait and see game with both of their development, neither are showing any really bad signs. Now we have to figure out how I stay home to care for all of their medical needs and their 3 year old brother. I have no idea how we are going to do it, but I always said those kids fought hard for something. This stuff is the easy part.
April 23rd 2002
11:28:09 AM
Julie Weber
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search engine
Your Story:
:-p I’m not exactly sure how to start. I’m sixteen years old and I have a two-month-old daughter, Victoria. On February 27, 2002, she was born at 28 weeks gestation and weighed 2 pounds and 13 1/2 ounces. She could breathe on her own when she was born, but at 1 week old she aspirated some breastmilk into her lungs and had to be put on a ventilator. She has been on it ever since. They did try to take her off of it, but she crashed and the tube was replaced. Now, at 2 months, she weighs 4 pounds and 1 ounce. Her oxygen levels are around 70-80 percent, her rates are around 45-75 breaths per minute, and her pressures are now lower than what they were. I never knew I could ever love another person so much, but she has changed my life so much. She looks just like her father, which he is just thrilled with. But we still do not know what to do. We have no idea when she will come home or what to expect when she does. The doctors have told us that she might have to come home with a trach in her throat. I hope that doesn’t happen. As of now, she has been improving and gaining weight, so maybe she won’t. But I am so worried that something else will go wrong. I have no idea how to cope with this. I’m expressing milk for her, but it just doesn’t seem to be enough to me. If any one has anything that may help, it would be greatly appreciated.

April 22nd 2002
07:12:43 PM
How did you find our site?
surfing the net for other preemie stories- since I am having another baby now and still feel some anxiety about experiencing all of this again for another child…
Your Story:
Jazzie was born on 11-19-95 in Austin, Texas. Her father and I were just 20 and 21 years old respectively when our first child was born. Jazzie was just 516 grams at birth (just 1 lb. 5 1/2oz)! We had no idea that a baby that small could survive, much less be normal.
She had many common complications like apnea, PDA, ROP, as well as having her eyes sealed shut and the inablility to make her own heat or keep any moisture in her skin.
Our baby was covered with a white fluffy “down” at first and when she cried you could see her face contort, but there was hardly any sound as her lungs collapsed soonafter her birth. Like many other miracles, we will remain forever touched by her presence and the fact that that she was strong enough to want to stay with us and manage to be not only normal but exemplary.
I’d had no idea how badly I wanted to be her mother until I saw her struggling for breath as she did everyday for weeks inside the NICU unit that was her home, strangely our santuary. She has been everything since then that I could have wanted and more.
If you are a new parent to a preemie, don’t give up. Our baby is 6 1/2 years old and has no physical or mental signs of her traumatic birth besides the scars under her arms from when her lungs collapsed, the rough bumps that remain on her heals from the IVs, and where her skin sloughed off shortly after her birth in big ragged pieces because her skin was ill-equipped for our arid environment.
We had a family who loved that little person from the start. It was a time when we only wished we could spend our lives getting to know that darling little girl who was able to stand so much pain for just the chance to live the life that so many of us take for granted each day.
I hope that this gives someone hope and the strength to trust and love the God that bestowded your little treasure unto you.

April 3rd 2002
08:39:34 AM
Melissa L. Carter
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Your Story:
Our son, Will came at 26 weeks on August 16, 2000 (10 days after my birthday). I had been on bed rest for one week before his arrival. I suffered from a Placental Abruption and had an emergency C-section. Will was a fighter! He weighed 1 pound and 7 ounces and stretched to the length of 12 and 1/2 inches! He is absolutely beautiful. I say “is” because he has only passed from me temporarily. He survived this life for 19 wonderful days. He suffered from NEC on September 4, 2000 (Labor Day!) I know that I will see Will again in Heaven. I am promised that in Scripture John 11:25 “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” Will was a miracle due to the fact that he survived as long as he did. The Lord could have chosen for him to survive until he was 19 or 91, but the Lord chose to take him Home so that he would not have to suffer any more. He is whole and healed. He passed from my arms to the arms of Jesus! And for that I am thankful. I got to hold him while he was here and I will hold him again in Heaven…and until that day I will live for the promise!
March 13th 2002
09:42:06 PM
Your Story:
I have twin girl’s who are four years old and ,have development issues. I brought them to a preschool to be pre screened. Both girl’s have speech issues and tactical and sensory issues also. They are stil trying to grasp potty training and wear pull ups. they were born at 34 and one half weeks early. About one month and a half weeks early to be correct.They both were in the nicu for a week for breathing problems and poor feeding. And also jundice they were in the nicu for a week. They walked at 16 months. And tried some words thereafter. They have their tantrums and sibling issues. But i could use some advice because i feel so alone in their development, i try to be positive and strong for them and myself it gets hard. I try to teach them as best as i know how. I as a single birth and a month or two premature also and was a special needs child. I don’t want my girl’s to grow up feeling isolated , like i did. This society makes you feel as a parent dealing with the issues of having two special needs children is a label they put as a burden on you and your children, and i don;t like that. We all come in this world unique . also i forgot to tell you they both weighed separately, my first born weighed 5lb 4 oz, and the second born weighed 4lb 12oz. Any advice would be greatful! bernadette c
March 13th 2002
11:20:48 AM
Hart Corlett
Your Story:
Congrats to all the preemie parents! My son, Ross, was born at 32 3/7 weeks May 23rd 2001. After a month in the hospital he came home with an apnea monitor and thats it. Our Christmas present was discontining the monitor! Now he is almost 10 months old and constantly on the go! Preemies are the best! By the was, did I mention I was also a 32 weeker in 1970?!?
February 21st 2002
05:24:10 PM
Amy Rains
Your Story:
Hello everyone.I’m so excited to find this site that I could almost cry. I have jst found out that I am expecting my second set of twins and am so scared to death.
I would like help from all of you. My twins Brandee and Randall were born at 22 weeks,while Brandee was stillborn Randall lived for an amazing 11+ hours and gave a real fight for life.At the advice of their doctor and alot of soul searching we finally disconnected him because all he could seem to do was code,code,code. It was the hardest thing to do especially since I was in another hospital suffering from complications of their birth.
This is what I would like from all of you. Please mail me and let me know of different sites that I can receive any help from and any advice that you all can give me. I don’t think that I have ever been so scared and to think that this could all happen again frightens me. Pray for me as I will pray for all of you.
February 15th 2002
11:21:22 AM
Your Story:
Hi our twins Michael and Amanda were born 6 weeks early after 9 weeks of bedrest on October 22, 2001. Michael weighed 5lbs 10oz and Amanda arrived 27 minutes later weighing 4lbs 15oz. The nurses said their weight was excellent considering. I was in labor for 26 hours, Michael arrived with the cord wrapped around his neck, but the Dr. acted quickly and he was fine. However while I was pushing out Michael, Amanda’s placenta seperated and she went into distress so I had to have an emergency C-section for her, she had a blood transfusion a few hours later.
They spent 15 days in NICU, which was so hard for me, I don’t know how you other mothers did it for months, you are all incredibly strong.
They are now almost 4 months old, Michael weighs 14lbs 3oz, Amanda 12lbs 2oz. I hope your babies are all doing fine =)

February 11th 2002
01:48:01 PM
michelle crooks
Your Story:
have twin boys 2 years old experiencing developmental delays in every area. One just started walking!!!!!!Hurray. The other has been walking and running for a bit now. We have no speech yet. See a multitude3 of specialists….would love to talk to other parents who understand the different parenting needed and share experiences…..
Hi, I have been needing to find all of you. My daughters were born
November 20,00 @ 27weeks. Haleigh (like Halle Berry) was 1lbs 14oz and Jenna was 2lbs 2oz. We’ve been so lucky that they are both doing so well, but they sure put us through a very tough time. Our expierience was nothing like a rollercoaster ride. The girls always took turns at giving us scares and they never had a good day together until February 2001 when they were finally co-bedded. We were at Childrens Hospital in Vancouver B.C. for 4 months. My husband and I stayed in a motorhome in the parking lot of the hospital. We were lucky to be able to do that since Haleigh and Jenna were our only kids. They were ventalated for about 2 1/2 months and Jenna came home on O2. They had all the usual infections plus a viral infection that landed Haleigh in isolation for three weeks. Our worst night was watching as the doc’s and nurses did C.P.R. to revive our little Jenna when her ventalator got plugged. Our babies have been…
Monica Barber
My daughter was born at 27wks. She weighed 2lbs. After a bout with NEC she recovered and came home after a long 69 days. She weighed 4lbs. 5ozs. when she was released. She is now 9 years old and perfect. In 1992, they didn’t give her much of a chance, but she proved them all wrong. Melissa Darlene Nicole Barber July 23 1992.
Thanks for giving me somewhere to share my story.
Nicole Muoio
I am a single mother of boy/girl twins that were born at 26 weeks.
Nicholas was 1#14 oz. and Julianne was 1#15oz. Julianne came off the
vent after 1 week, Nic after 3. Julianne was fiesty from the
beginning. She was born first, and did everything first. (we all know
the routine) She just grew and grew and grew….. She was discharged
at 34 weeks at 4#2oz and happy and healthy. never so much as an
infection. Nic gave me a few scares (being a nurse and knowing what to
anticipate is hard) but in the end, he came home at 35 weeks on a
small amount of O2 that he was off by 40 weeks. They are now 14 months
old. The ped considers them back caught up developmentally already.
They were baptized at christmas and it was a true celebration to God
for the miracles I have been given. Thank you all for sharing and God
bless you for strength and courage.Nicole Muoio
Kristina Keegan
My son Lucas Damien was born at 28 weeks but was the size of a 24
weeker due to my placenta not functioning properly. He was born on the
3rd of May 2001 at the Royal Womens Hospital in Brisbane. He was
768gms which is a little over 1lb. Sadly he passed away on the 2nd of
October in my arms he was 1 day off being 5 months old. Lucas was a
little guy with a big personality and I am missing him like crazy but
his lungs had deteriorated so bad that he just couldnt make it on his
own. All I can say to others that are going through thisis Hang in
there it will all be worth it in the long run.
02:27:41 PM
08:43:44 AM

03:47:28 AM
I have been reading through the posts and noticed many babies were born premmie and with TTTS. We have a TTTS website and newsletter.. Many parents currently going through a TTTS pregnancy are looking for hope. If any of you would like to have your story put on the TTTS website or in the newsletter please let us know..
12:23:59 PM
10:49:55 PM
planned in advance. It has been a rewarding experience I would like to talk with more families in this situation.
02:18:59 PM
I know I am young and scared of what is to happen, where this road will lead, what will happen to Abbie, to Britah, how this will all affect my life, but I do know, within my heart, that I will love these girls more than anyone else ever could and that I will make something of my life. Abbie and Britah might not have been planned, but I have loved then more than ever since the first day I knew I was pregnant and I always will. These girls are my life and will continue to be my life, Logan’s spirit will live on through his two little girls, and I will always believe that…God doesn’t give us anything that we can’t handle…He doesn’t just throw something in our path and hope that we can deal with it, it’s put in our life for a reason, and God knows we can handle it and we can make it through, He believes in us
02:15:56 PM
My bf, Logan, of 4 mo. got me pregnant in July 2002. although I didn’t know I was pregnant at that time. Logan unfortunatley didn’t ever find out that I was pregnant, as he was away to CA, getting ready for college in Santa Barbara. I know what I felt for Logan was real and that I loved him with all my heart, and could never love anyone quite the same. August 17th 2002, he flew out to CA, to be with his future roomates of the new college school year, He was there for a week and was scheduled to fly back on a night flight on August 23rd 2002. I was on the cell phone with him, talking to him as him and his three three roomates were driving to the airport, the last thing he said to me was, ” I love you, and I’ll see you soon.” Then 7 minutes after we hung up the phone, Logan was involved in a fatal car accident, that ended up killing 4 of the 5 people involved. The one who survived was not Logan, Logan died almost immediately after the crash, but his last words to a paramedic were, “tell here I love her, and I’ll see her soon.”Logan would have been the perfect daddy.
October 16th, 2002, I found out I was pregnant and with twins. And from then on, it was a bumpy road. I went into labor, two different times, but luckily they stopped me from delivering. But then on Nov. 4th, 2002, I had contractions for 17 hours until I finally delivered twin extreme preemies,….I was almost 16 weeks when I delivered, but the doctors said they were “extreme preemies” because they looked like they had been born later then they were….Abbi
10:39:06 AM
04:53:05 PM
09:41:24 PM
01:30:52 PM
I Had a very difficult pregnancy. I found out I was pregnant at 7wks due to spotting I had an U/S and discovered I was pregnant with twins, at 12wks I started bleeding heavily thought I was miscarrying and found out I had a subchorionic hematoma continued to bleed until I was 18wks. Thought everything was better until my water broke at 24 wks Dr. told me I was incontinent and that I just had to much pressure on my bladder(I knew it was my water, incompetent doctor)at 25 wks and 5 days I went into labor and when I got to the hospital I was 3cm dilated they administered mag sulfate tributaline and bethamatasone for lung maturity and exactly 48hrs later Ryan stuck his feet out and I had an emergency C-section at exactly 26wks Ryan Cole was born at 2lbs 6oz and Nathan Tyler was born at 1lbs 13oz. They were in the NICU 69 and 71 days. At 4 days old, the day I left the hospital Nathan had a massive rectal hemmorage Doctors told me I had an hour to get to the Hosp. to say goodbye to my son, that he would not make it through the night. He survived Thank God and both boys are doing great They are 5 months old today and are 12lbs and 10lbs respectively and are smiling and cooing and working with developmental specialist monthly So far everything is great. We are so Blessed!
04:59:00 AM
My twins were born May of 2001 at 31 weeks gestation by c-section after my waters broke. Sara was born at 15.55 weighing 1.230 kilos and Samuel was born at 15.57 weighing 1.960 kilos. Samuel was intubated for nearly 48 hours and spent over a week afterwards on oxygen. Both Sara and Samuel had episodes of apnea but thrived and Samuel came home 3.5 weeks after his birth and his sister arrived home 5 days later. I stayed in hospital with the twins for the duration which was difficult but I needed to be there with them. My husband came every evening and all day on weekends. It seems a distant memory now but at the time I felt no-one understood what I was going through and looking back it was one of the most difficult adaptation periods I have been through ever. I was so happy to have them home with me but spent weeks being over-protective and paranoid, I used to check every 5 minutes that they were still breathing.
They are now 17 months old and are the most beautiful children I’ve ever seen! They seem to have caught up with their development but are still not really talking, only “ma-ma” and “pa-pa”. They both walked at 12-13 months and crawled at 10 months which I understand is normal anyway. Does anyone have any experience with corrected age-starting to talk as I would love some advice re: this.
11:54:48 AM
09:49:17 PM
Our boys, Olinga and Qurban were born 8 weeks early with complications as many preemies have.
For 4 months I laid on my left side, assigned to bed rest in order to maximize the rate of growth to my severely growth restricted fetus, Qurban. No one had any idea why this was happening until after the birth.
It was Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome and it almost cost the life of both my precious boys.
At first the outlook was bleak. We were told there was a 50% chance that the growth restricted twin would die. A 30% chance existed where we would lose both. After weekly visits to the ultrasound, at 4 1/2 months, I was told to stop work, and get in bed for an undetermined amount of time. In the end, I was on bedrest until they decided to deliver the boys at 32 weeks gestation.
At 2 and 4 pounds, the boys came screaming into the world like a piglet and cat, one being put on the respirator and the other luckily, was fine. Their birth was a success and all was worth sacrificing to have seen their beautiful little beings for the first time.
I prayed to God that I would endure any other test related to the twins as long as they lived through this first ordeal of their life. This I have but not without great difficulty.
After a 3 week incubation period for the heavier twin and an 8 week incubation for the second, we were finally altogether as a family. My husband had started a new job in another city, and performed a move while I was recovering in hospital.
During the recovery period, the wound of my cesarian opened and an additional 6 weeks was required for it to fully heal. In the meantime, my boys were in hospital receiving pumped milk and the breast as much as possible. Upon discharge from the hospital however, at 3 months, I developed mastitis and discovered from my doctor that Qurban was losing weight because he was not properly latching.
By their 9 month birthday growth challenges continued to persist. Our children are growing at the
04:44:17 PM

03:08:51 PM

10:39:07 AM

04:43:46 PM

Our twin daughters were also born into this world prematurly on August 18, 2002 at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. Madisyn Ann 1lb 13oz and Kylie Marie 2lbs 2oz were born at 27 weeks gestation due to Twin A’s bag of water breaking. Both are still on the vent and had PDA surgery one week ago. The surgery went very well and we are expecting both girls to be taken off the vent and put on CPAP later this week

It is a long, hard and sometimes lonely struggle for parents when their child is born so tiny and is so helpless. Even though this is my second time in the NICU, it is still just as painful and scary. If you want to talk to someone who is going through this with you please do not hesitate to e-mail me.
05:39:47 AM
11:29:19 PM

08:09:08 PM
04:43:21 PM
04:33:42 PM
When we arrived we were immediately overwhelmed. The nurses in the SCN (Special Care Nursery) were very nice in helping us understand what was going on. Nothing can really prepare one for the ups and downs of having a preemie. Through all the apnea’s, hernia surgery, retina surgery and many MRI’s we came out all right. He is now 2 years old and doing amazingly well. He is doing what a full-term 2 year old would be doing and more. He is talking and picking up on so much and getting into everything possible. We will always have a place in our hearts for the nurses and doctors at Victoria General Hosptials Special Care Nursery.

E. Yates
09:00:51 PM
12:44:15 PM

A little history:
I found out @ 1 month I was preggo. @4 months we were gonna find out the gender, at the u/s we found out it was two instead of 1!! From there we had monthly u/s. @ 22 weeks they realized my babies weren’t growing, and also that they were Girls! so from there we had weekly u/s. Not very fun! so @ 26 weeks my Dr. switched me to another specialist for level 2 u/s. But things didn’t go well, this Dr. seen me one time, and kept cancelling my appointments until I was 30 weeks. So finally I was 30 weeks and 3 days I had another u/s that showed Destiny had grown a little, but Dekotta had absolutely no fluid around her. I was immediately admitted to Umass Memorial. They had injected me for 2 days with steroids and on the 3 day at 1:00 pm Destiny was taken weighing 2 lbs. 9.4 oz 15 inches long. and @ 1:01 pm Dekotta was taken weighing only 1 lb. 9 oz 13 inches long. My fiance Keith got to hold Destiny for about 1 min and showed me, Dekotta was shown to us and sailed away to the NICU. I did get to see them that day, because they had me so messed up on morphine, and the epideral. The next day was the best day of my life when I got to see how precious and tiny my angels were and to think I had made them! I finally 2 days later got to hold them. Destiny was on the cpap for about 2 weeks, under the lights for a few days and under the oxyhood for about a week. She came home @ 1 month. Dekotta was on the cpap for about 1 1/2 months, and was home at 2 months.

08:35:42 PM
I was 27 weeks pregnant when I had my twin girls. Haylie Grace and McKenna Faith, due to major problems during my pregnancy. I had an incompetent cervix and I had a cerclage put in at 13 weeks. I was put on bed rest, due to early dialation. Everthing that could go wrong with a pregnancy went wrong, all except genestational diabetes and Hepatitis B. I had a crash C-Section, I fully dialtated and fully afaced within a couple of hours.
Haylie weighed 2lbs 3oz, didnt cry at first and they rushed her into the NICU unit where I was not allowed to see them until the following Day.
McKenna weighed 1lb 11oz and came out crying, but she did had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck twice.
Due to their size, they have had no major complications. The only thing at first was the typical Apnea, Brady’s and periodical breathing. McKenna had a little blood on the brain, but they said that it was common in preemies their birth age.
8 out of 10 doctors told my husband and myself that McKenna was not going to survive. They couldnt be any more wrong. She was the first to come home. She was off the oxygen a month earlier than Haylie. Haylie stayed in 2 weeks later than McKenna, Haylie had chronic lung disease and that was keeping her on the oxygen. They found out this and put her on a medicine and it worked. She came home 4 days after all the testing. But she still had some breathing problem until around her 5th month.
They are now 7 months old and Haylie weighes 16lbs and McKenna weighs 13lbs. They are both doing excellent and they are only 2 months behind their corrective age, instead of 3 months. We work with them everyday in grabbing and reaching and standing. They roll over and they are starting to crawl.
Oh yeah… they are fraternal
08:54:09 PM
Jocelyn and Kirsten were born June 9, 2002. Our daughters were born at 28 weeks 5 days. Jocelyn weighed 2 lbs and Kirsten weighed 1 lb 15.6 ounces. Mom had Preeclamsia and had been hospitalized six days before delivery. On delivery day they determined she had Pulmonary Edema, which means she had a swollen heart and fluid in her lungs. Both girls were born small, even for their premature age. Just two and a half weeks earlier an ultrasound showed both girls at about the size and weight they were delivered at. They hardly grew at all the final two weeks due to how sick the Preeclamsia had made mom.
Jocelyn has been the sicker of the two girls. She had to be intubated, she also had one of her lungs collapse and air in her chest cavity. Three days after birth they also found blood on her brain. Over time both girls have been improved. Although it has not been a linear progression. They have both had their setbacks. We have built a website for them to record their ongoing journey. In it we track their day to day progress and hope to show it to them some day as a journal of their first days.
12:55:59 AM
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10:22:06 AM
My first pregnancy was a real fight to keep going. I was put on bedrest at 9 weeks and stayed there until I was 34 weeks. Even in bed I fought with Pre-term labor. Hope arrived at 36 weeks just shy of being technically full term. She weighed 8 lbs and even though her heart rate crashed right before she was delivered, everything seemed fine.
8 months later I was pregnant again. This time there were no real big complications. I wasn’t put on bedrest or anything. I had really bad morning sickness for the first 5 months, but the baby was growing right on schedule so no one was concerened. Later we found my thyroid had gone hyper and I developed gestational diabetes. Diet controlled the diabetes pretty well until the beginning of October, then I was started on insulin. 2 weeks later I didn’t feel well. My back had a constant ache that was so bad I couldn’t get comfortable. I had battled a UTI through the whole pregnancy so this was nothing new. I just thought it was another flare up. I called the doctor and she sent me to the hospital to be checked. Everything looked fine, I wasn’t dialating even though the monitor showed some decent contractions. Just being checked caused some intense pain though. I thought I was being ripped apart. The contractions the monitor showed slowed down, so I was sent home.
The next day I felt worse. Nothing I did was comfortable. I could hardly move, but I plodded along doing laundry and taking care of my then 14 month old daughter. My sister called and while we were talking she said I sounded terrible. She begged me to call the doctor and go back to the hospital. I did and let her know I was going. My mother-in-law drove me in. When we got there we found out the pain the night before was because my uterus was now tipped so my cervix faced backwards. We also found out I was dialated to almost 4 cm. Over the next hour the contractions continued, even though I didn’t feel them, and the doctor told me I wa
06:25:35 PM
04:50:29 PM
Jackson and Sophie were born on February 8, 2000 at 24 weeks. They were 1 lb. 5 oz, and 1 lb. 7 oz. They had the regular assortment of premature problems, but avoided NEC and PVL thankfully. They stayed a month past their due date, because they had terrible feeding skills. They started early intervention within the first couple of months after coming home, and are still receiving therapies. Sophie was rehospitalized with several respiratory illnesses her first year (including RSV, despite Synagis) but none this year.
Today they are a healthy 27 month olds, and are not much different than other kids their adjusted age. Sophie is still mastering walking, she can do it, but her movement isn’t very fluid. Jack puts words together in 3-4 word sentences, jumps and climbs like a little monkey.
We are very blessed for the miracles that we were given.
06:17:27 PM
11:46:02 AM
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My identical twin boys, Luca Antonio and Gianpaolo were born on Dec 5, 2001 approx. 6 weeks early. Preemies according to the hospital.
My experience was absolute heaven, my pregnancy was a joy and my delivery was very rewarding. I used a midwife and doula. Drug free, 21 hrs. of labor and 5 hrs. of pushing. Luca Antonio was born at 3:30 in the afternoon and Gianpaolo was born over 1 hr. later.
They spent 2 weeks in the NICU not because they were sick but because they were weak and came home to us at 5 lbs. each. After suffering from intestinal bleeding due to a severe protein allergy they are a healthy 15lbs each and gaining.
I am nothing short of blessed.
11:59:17 AM
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She had many common complications like apnea, PDA, ROP, as well as having her eyes sealed shut and the inablility to make her own heat or keep any moisture in her skin.
Our baby was covered with a white fluffy “down” at first and when she cried you could see her face contort, but there was hardly any sound as her lungs collapsed soonafter her birth. Like many other miracles, we will remain forever touched by her presence and the fact that that she was strong enough to want to stay with us and manage to be not only normal but exemplary.
I’d had no idea how badly I wanted to be her mother until I saw her struggling for breath as she did everyday for weeks inside the NICU unit that was her home, strangely our santuary. She has been everything since then that I could have wanted and more.
If you are a new parent to a preemie, don’t give up. Our baby is 6 1/2 years old and has no physical or mental signs of her traumatic birth besides the scars under her arms from when her lungs collapsed, the rough bumps that remain on her heals from the IVs, and where her skin sloughed off shortly after her birth in big ragged pieces because her skin was ill-equipped for our arid environment.
We had a family who loved that little person from the start. It was a time when we only wished we could spend our lives getting to know that darling little girl who was able to stand so much pain for just the chance to live the life that so many of us take for granted each day.
I hope that this gives someone hope and the strength to trust and love the God that bestowded your little treasure unto you.
08:39:34 AM
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11:20:48 AM
Congrats to all the preemie parents! My son, Ross, was born at 32 3/7 weeks May 23rd 2001. After a month in the hospital he came home with an apnea monitor and thats it. Our Christmas present was discontining the monitor! Now he is almost 10 months old and constantly on the go! Preemies are the best! By the was, did I mention I was also a 32 weeker in 1970?!?
05:24:10 PM
I would like help from all of you. My twins Brandee and Randall were born at 22 weeks,while Brandee was stillborn Randall lived for an amazing 11+ hours and gave a real fight for life.At the advice of their doctor and alot of soul searching we finally disconnected him because all he could seem to do was code,code,code. It was the hardest thing to do especially since I was in another hospital suffering from complications of their birth.
This is what I would like from all of you. Please mail me and let me know of different sites that I can receive any help from and any advice that you all can give me. I don’t think that I have ever been so scared and to think that this could all happen again frightens me. Pray for me as I will pray for all of you.
11:21:22 AM
Hi our twins Michael and Amanda were born 6 weeks early after 9 weeks of bedrest on October 22, 2001. Michael weighed 5lbs 10oz and Amanda arrived 27 minutes later weighing 4lbs 15oz. The nurses said their weight was excellent considering. I was in labor for 26 hours, Michael arrived with the cord wrapped around his neck, but the Dr. acted quickly and he was fine. However while I was pushing out Michael, Amanda’s placenta seperated and she went into distress so I had to have an emergency C-section for her, she had a blood transfusion a few hours later.
They spent 15 days in NICU, which was so hard for me, I don’t know how you other mothers did it for months, you are all incredibly strong.
They are now almost 4 months old, Michael weighs 14lbs 3oz, Amanda 12lbs 2oz. I hope your babies are all doing fine =)
01:48:01 PM
November 20,00 @ 27weeks. Haleigh (like Halle Berry) was 1lbs 14oz and Jenna was 2lbs 2oz. We’ve been so lucky that they are both doing so well, but they sure put us through a very tough time. Our expierience was nothing like a rollercoaster ride. The girls always took turns at giving us scares and they never had a good day together until February 2001 when they were finally co-bedded. We were at Childrens Hospital in Vancouver B.C. for 4 months. My husband and I stayed in a motorhome in the parking lot of the hospital. We were lucky to be able to do that since Haleigh and Jenna were our only kids. They were ventalated for about 2 1/2 months and Jenna came home on O2. They had all the usual infections plus a viral infection that landed Haleigh in isolation for three weeks. Our worst night was watching as the doc’s and nurses did C.P.R. to revive our little Jenna when her ventalator got plugged. Our babies have been…
Thanks for giving me somewhere to share my story.
Nicholas was 1#14 oz. and Julianne was 1#15oz. Julianne came off the
vent after 1 week, Nic after 3. Julianne was fiesty from the
beginning. She was born first, and did everything first. (we all know
the routine) She just grew and grew and grew….. She was discharged
at 34 weeks at 4#2oz and happy and healthy. never so much as an
infection. Nic gave me a few scares (being a nurse and knowing what to
anticipate is hard) but in the end, he came home at 35 weeks on a
small amount of O2 that he was off by 40 weeks. They are now 14 months
old. The ped considers them back caught up developmentally already.
They were baptized at christmas and it was a true celebration to God
for the miracles I have been given. Thank you all for sharing and God
bless you for strength and courage.Nicole Muoio
weeker due to my placenta not functioning properly. He was born on the
3rd of May 2001 at the Royal Womens Hospital in Brisbane. He was
768gms which is a little over 1lb. Sadly he passed away on the 2nd of
October in my arms he was 1 day off being 5 months old. Lucas was a
little guy with a big personality and I am missing him like crazy but
his lungs had deteriorated so bad that he just couldnt make it on his
own. All I can say to others that are going through thisis Hang in
there it will all be worth it in the long run.