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Preemie Twins Stories Submitted by Visitors
December 5th 2005
01:35:22 PM
Colin Brown
How did you find our site?
Your Story:
I was born 12-14-1984 my brother and I weighed 8 pounds together. He was four and change, I was three and change. When my mother was preagnant my brother, Simon, was pushing me so I sad ” scoot over your taking up all the woom”. No, but seriously he was born with all the red blood cell and was born with all the white. We had a blood transfusion and my parents said they could see us changing colors. I guess they got the mixture right. I was two months premature and barely made it. Now i’ve never broken a bone, not allergic to anything yet, and no other health issues. I had to get my appendix removed in 2002. My brother’s stomach hurt for the next week and we were afraid that he would need his out as well, but I guess it held up.
I am the youngest of a family of four boys. The oldest, a blonde, the middle, a brunette, and we the twins are red-headed. We are mirro-image, identical twins. And I love it.
December 1st 2005
10:41:04 AM
How did you find our site?
preemie search
Your Story:
I am a proud mother of twin girls who were born at 28 weeks. It was so unexpected I got a bladder infection which gave a blood infection to one of the girls and caused me to go into labor I had a backache but just blew it off until my water broke the hospital was five minutes away when I arrived one of the girls had their foot out so they did an emergency c-section and Emma weighed 2lbs 5 oz and Emily was 2lbs 10 oz so they were in the hospital from June 30 until September 7. The girls are 5 months old and both weigh almost 10 lbs. We could not have made it without God and alot of prayers. Both girls are doing awesome!!!
November 4th 2005
08:12:15 PM
How did you find our site?
preemie twins google search
Your Story:
I have twin boys, 25 weeks born three days apart. Collin was 1 lb. 12 oz, 13 inches, and Cyrus was 1 lb. 15 oz, 13 1/4 inches. They are a year old now and thriving with miracle energy. Come see the whole story on my blog…
I have to say how wonderful it is to have this site to read about others who know what I have been through. Wonderful!
October 21st 2005
09:45:37 AM
Stephanie Banks
How did you find our site?
Your Story:
My sons were born premature and are still in the NICU. We found out I was pregnant with TWINS at four months into my pregnancy. They asked weird questions of fertility drugs during an ultrasound which showed two little butterbeans that the sonographer kept measuring(though I couldn’t see because the monitor was turned away from me), my husband is telling me all of this. At the time the doctor asked my husband if I had Heart problems and he said “no” so I was told I was having TWINS to which my response was Shut up. But we were thrilled and after the shock wore off we finally found out they were both boys. 5 months ending, I began spotting 1 morning and found my cervical plug dislodged. I had an appt. with high-risk that morning so I went on to my appt. I immed. told them what was going on and after an ultrasound, they sent me by ambulance to the hospital. Magnesium Sulfate was administered into my veins for 2 wks. It was on Sept5th that my contractions began again and they upped my % of Mag. It didn’t hold back the streghthening contractions so they performed an emergency C-section. My son Waylon was born @5:31 and Benjamin followed @ 5:33 that morning. They were taken into the NICU and are still there. Waylon weighed 2#5oz.
Ben weighed 2#2.8oz. They hopefully will come home soon. Pictures can be seen at http://www.babiesonline.com/w/waylon/benjamin
April 23rd 2005
01:35:28 PM
Jason and Therese
How did you find our site?
through yahoo
Your Story:
continued from earlier –
Now Trysten sees a Pediatric Cardiologist and may have to have help getting his heart closed. They say Mckynzie will grow out of hers. They are both on apnea monitors because they have had trouble with breathing and their heart rates. Mckynzie has reflux which that itself can be scary BUT I Thank God everyday for giving us these perfect lil angels. They have touched our lives in such a wonderful way and all the work for Daddy and I is well worth each moment. We wish the very best for each parent that experiences birth/multiple birth. Things seem as though they will never end but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I found this to be true. Best Wishes to All!!
April 23rd 2005
01:26:43 PM
Jason and Therese
How did you find our site?
through yahoo
Your Story:
I am a proud mother of preemie boy/girl twins that were born on February 21, 2005. I was 33 weeks when I went into premature labor. We went to the hospital ( 2 hours away ) at which time they put me on meds to help stop my contractions. After 8 hours of being on the medication (Magnesium Sulfate) my contractions wouldn’t stop so my Doctor advised me that he would be doing an emergency c-section. This was at 2:30 a.m. and at 3:36 our son, Trysten 4lbs. 6oz. was born. He was breathing on his own and did well adjusting to the quick outside air. Two minutes later his little sister Mckynzie 4lbs. 3oz. joined him and the many nurses that were there to help care for the babies. Neither one needed oxygen to help them. They seemed to be doing fine. Daddy was there holding their tiny hands while they got their blood taken and the many things they do when babies are premature. The NICU Pediatrician told us that they would be in the hospital for a long while – BUT – Mckynzie thrived and gained weight sucking-swallowing-breathing great! While her big brother was tube fed because he couldn’t breath and eat together. It was just too much work for him. Days went by ( which seemed like years ) We made the 2 hour trip every other day and it was very hard leaving them each time. We found out that Trysten had problems with his heart and it was more than just a hole. Mckynzie had a hole in her heart too but not near the size that her brother’s was. They seemed to think that her’s would close in short time. Mckynzie came home 13 days after she came into the world while we had to leave Trysten in the hospital. I wasn’t too sure that he would do OK with his sister gone. They said he would atleast be in there for another week or two. To our surprise Trysten started gaining weight, eating on his own w/o his tube and passed the “open crib” test. He then came home just 2 days after his sister. Currently they are almost 8 weeks… Trysten weighing in at 8lbs. 13oz. and Mckynzie at 8lbs. 10oz.
April 10th 2005
02:00:47 PM
How did you find our site?
pampers site
Your Story:
My son, Daniel was born at 31 weeks and weighed 3 lbs, .01 oz…luckily I had the shot to mature lungs a week previous and he never needed assistance breathing. Daniel is now 4 1/2 years old, and never been seriously ill, despite all my worries when he was tiny and in the hospital! So never give up hope.
March 19th 2005
06:00:37 AM
Tonya Owens
How did you find our site?
I went to ask.com
Your Story:
My twin girls Amaria and Azaria Owens were due March 25, 2005. I went into preterm labor on January 27, 2005. I was originally supposed to have the twins in Greenwood, Ms. But because the twins came early I had to be rushed to Jackson and have a c-section. The twins were 3lb 9oz. and 3lb and 8oz. The first twin was on oxygen for 2days. The other one came off over night. The twins stayed in the NICU for two week, after that, they were moved to the newborn nursery. They had to have preemie vaccinations, and be monitored very closely before they could come home. On the day that I was scheduled to pick them up I had to have CPR classes. I was working before the twins were borm. THen when they came home I had to say off work with them for awhile. I was going to apply for preemie disability benefits in the state of Mississippi, but they told me that the girls weighed to much when they were born and they did not consider them to be preemies, if this is the case then why did my babies have to stay in Jackson for 2and 1/2 weeks, and why did I have to take the preemie CPR course. They are preemie babies and I really don’t want to leave them with anyone else while I work, but if the state won’t step in and help me, I have no other choice but to leave my preemies in someone else’s hands. That is going to cost even more money because being that they are preemies they are at even higher risk for SIDS and RSV. Someone please offer me some helpful advice.
February 23rd 2005
01:18:55 PM
Crystal Finley
How did you find our site?
Your Story:
I had my twin girls at 24 weeks feb.5,2005 little kimberly and brigitte. we found out early in my pregnecy that brigitte had the left vertticle missing from her heart and mosiac trisomy 18 a cromoone disorder and kiberly had a clubbed foot and that was it.my 24th week i had to go in the hospital and at 10:30pm the 4th i started having contractions and at 2:29 am brigitte was born and 2;39 kimberly was born. I didnt get to see kimberly until the next night in nicu and i only got to hear my baby brigiite cry once we got to keeep her with us bt she died at 3:45 am in her daddys arms it is one of the hardest things to ever go throught o hear your baby and feel her moving ad knowing you cant save her because she is to little to do surgery on it never really gets better but knowiong her sister is here and doing well is the only thing getting us throughif anyone would like information on my story you can email me @ whiskey_girl@charter.net
February 22nd 2005
07:42:30 PM
Billie and John
How did you find our site?
Preemie Twins Search
Your Story:
February 22nd 2005
08:51:34 AM
How did you find our site?
Surfing, Seeking Preemie Info.
Your Story:
Our twins were born 11-12 weeks early in May 2004. The first baby was born weighing 2lbs 11oz and the second was born weighing 2lbs 10oz. They were in the NICU for a total of 57 days. They were on a ventilator for about 2-1/2 3 days each and continued to have rapid heartbeats and extreme rapid breating. They had only one blood transfusion which I heard was good considering how early they were. They were on a nasal canula until a day before they came home. Both babies were diagnosed with BPD and they both had extremely bad reflux. They would spit up and it would come out their little nose and mouth all at once. They would begin to desat (blood oxygen dropped), and become bradacardic (heart rate would drop). The nurses put it to us like this, “they are basicly drowning in their own vommit”. The babies came home with this problem and for two weeks strait we were SO scared. We had nothing but a bulb suction to help them when an episode would happen. They are better now at 9 months actual age, but still battle with some choking with their refux. All babies are true miracles but those of us who go through the preemie experience know that there is an extra special meaning to that and that is Million Dollar Miracles.
February 6th 2005
11:57:07 AM
Latoya Lane
How did you find our site?
Serfering the Internet on Twins
Your Story:
Well My twin boys were born on July 6th 2004 they weren’t suppose to be born until Sept. 29 of 04. They were 12-13wks early. They were so tiny. Matthew Twin A was 2lbs 8oz. He was not breathing when born. Michael Twin B was 2lbs 9oz. And he was breathing on his own and hanging out in the nursery with the nurses. They had to be lifeflighted to a hospital 11/2hr from us. Geisinger Medical Center, Janet Weis Childrens Hospital in Danville Pa. They had sooo many ups and downs. They never really development much. Then Matthew came home weighing 6lbs 4oz. on Sept 11, 2004 before his due date. Michael on the other hand was getting worse after his twin left. He was dignosed with BPD. A chronic lung disease. He will hopefully grow out of it in some years. He also couldn’t suck, sollow, or breathe at the same time. He aspirated, and he had acid reflux bad. He was taken into surgery for a stomach wrap so he doen’t vomit. Then he got a G-tube. which is a tube through the tummy to be fed. He came home on November 17, 2004 and had to go back to the PICU on December 3 till the 8th. Then he came home with oxygen to add to the collection of equipment. Then December 15th he went to our home hospital with pnomonia. He was their for 1 week. Finally he came back home and was doing so much better. He is doing great now. They both are doing so good. Michael has his bad days but wouldn’t you? He is able to drink 5cc from a bottle so he’s working towards it. He weighs 8lbs6oz. and Matthew weighs about 14lbs
So I ve been through so much with my children. Michael is a MILLION DOLLAR miracle they both are but Michael almost died… We didn’t think he’d make it. He had to have steriods to help him and his body turned them down. Matthew had them and he went right up there and came home.
January 31st 2005
02:50:01 AM
Kate Knott
How did you find our site?
The Multiples Manual
Your Story:
After reading other stories here, I feel blessed that our 7 weeks early twins were and are doing so well!!…Willow weighed in at 4lbs. 4.4oz. and Jacob was 4lbs. 9oz. They spent 2 weeks in NICU and Special Care Nurseries at 2 different Hospitals. Jacob was born with a mild lung disease and was under an oxygen hood for 3 days. Willow developed Apnia after a week. They were released to come home on their 13th day of life. Breastfeeding was a challenge to start as it took a week for my milk to come in with my never having colostrom (apparently this sometimes happens in premature births when the mother’s body is not prepared for the blessed event). Then at 4 weeks they were seen for their two week well visit. The doctor said they weren’t gaining weight fast enough so I needed to supplement their feedings by giving them formula instead if the breast at every other feeding. By that night they would not take the breast at all. I was in tears by two am. I had worked so hard to breastfeed them…I called their pediatrician the next morning who disagreed with the well baby doctor about their weight gain and she said to go back to breastfeeding at every feeding and if they were still looking for food at the end of each feeding, to offer them an ounce of formula. Unfortunately, by then it was too late. No matter how hard I tried, they would not take the breast. So after a month of hard work, my children have to be bottle fed. I miss the closeness I had with their sister whom I was able to breastfeed for 5 and a half months before she stopped on her own.

December 5th 2005
01:35:22 PM
01:35:22 PM
Colin Brown
How did you find our site?
Your Story:
I was born 12-14-1984 my brother and I weighed 8 pounds together. He was four and change, I was three and change. When my mother was preagnant my brother, Simon, was pushing me so I sad ” scoot over your taking up all the woom”. No, but seriously he was born with all the red blood cell and was born with all the white. We had a blood transfusion and my parents said they could see us changing colors. I guess they got the mixture right. I was two months premature and barely made it. Now i’ve never broken a bone, not allergic to anything yet, and no other health issues. I had to get my appendix removed in 2002. My brother’s stomach hurt for the next week and we were afraid that he would need his out as well, but I guess it held up.
I am the youngest of a family of four boys. The oldest, a blonde, the middle, a brunette, and we the twins are red-headed. We are mirro-image, identical twins. And I love it.
I am the youngest of a family of four boys. The oldest, a blonde, the middle, a brunette, and we the twins are red-headed. We are mirro-image, identical twins. And I love it.

December 1st 2005
10:41:04 AM
10:41:04 AM
How did you find our site?
preemie search
Your Story:
I am a proud mother of twin girls who were born at 28 weeks. It was so unexpected I got a bladder infection which gave a blood infection to one of the girls and caused me to go into labor I had a backache but just blew it off until my water broke the hospital was five minutes away when I arrived one of the girls had their foot out so they did an emergency c-section and Emma weighed 2lbs 5 oz and Emily was 2lbs 10 oz so they were in the hospital from June 30 until September 7. The girls are 5 months old and both weigh almost 10 lbs. We could not have made it without God and alot of prayers. Both girls are doing awesome!!!

November 4th 2005
08:12:15 PM
08:12:15 PM
How did you find our site?
preemie twins google search
Your Story:
I have twin boys, 25 weeks born three days apart. Collin was 1 lb. 12 oz, 13 inches, and Cyrus was 1 lb. 15 oz, 13 1/4 inches. They are a year old now and thriving with miracle energy. Come see the whole story on my blog…
I have to say how wonderful it is to have this site to read about others who know what I have been through. Wonderful!

October 21st 2005
09:45:37 AM
09:45:37 AM
Stephanie Banks
How did you find our site?
Your Story:
My sons were born premature and are still in the NICU. We found out I was pregnant with TWINS at four months into my pregnancy. They asked weird questions of fertility drugs during an ultrasound which showed two little butterbeans that the sonographer kept measuring(though I couldn’t see because the monitor was turned away from me), my husband is telling me all of this. At the time the doctor asked my husband if I had Heart problems and he said “no” so I was told I was having TWINS to which my response was Shut up. But we were thrilled and after the shock wore off we finally found out they were both boys. 5 months ending, I began spotting 1 morning and found my cervical plug dislodged. I had an appt. with high-risk that morning so I went on to my appt. I immed. told them what was going on and after an ultrasound, they sent me by ambulance to the hospital. Magnesium Sulfate was administered into my veins for 2 wks. It was on Sept5th that my contractions began again and they upped my % of Mag. It didn’t hold back the streghthening contractions so they performed an emergency C-section. My son Waylon was born @5:31 and Benjamin followed @ 5:33 that morning. They were taken into the NICU and are still there. Waylon weighed 2#5oz.
Ben weighed 2#2.8oz. They hopefully will come home soon. Pictures can be seen at http://www.babiesonline.com/w/waylon/benjamin

Ben weighed 2#2.8oz. They hopefully will come home soon. Pictures can be seen at http://www.babiesonline.com/w/waylon/benjamin

April 23rd 2005
01:35:28 PM
01:35:28 PM
Jason and Therese
How did you find our site?
through yahoo
Your Story:
continued from earlier –
Now Trysten sees a Pediatric Cardiologist and may have to have help getting his heart closed. They say Mckynzie will grow out of hers. They are both on apnea monitors because they have had trouble with breathing and their heart rates. Mckynzie has reflux which that itself can be scary BUT I Thank God everyday for giving us these perfect lil angels. They have touched our lives in such a wonderful way and all the work for Daddy and I is well worth each moment. We wish the very best for each parent that experiences birth/multiple birth. Things seem as though they will never end but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I found this to be true. Best Wishes to All!!
Now Trysten sees a Pediatric Cardiologist and may have to have help getting his heart closed. They say Mckynzie will grow out of hers. They are both on apnea monitors because they have had trouble with breathing and their heart rates. Mckynzie has reflux which that itself can be scary BUT I Thank God everyday for giving us these perfect lil angels. They have touched our lives in such a wonderful way and all the work for Daddy and I is well worth each moment. We wish the very best for each parent that experiences birth/multiple birth. Things seem as though they will never end but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I found this to be true. Best Wishes to All!!

April 23rd 2005
01:26:43 PM
01:26:43 PM
Jason and Therese
How did you find our site?
through yahoo
Your Story:
I am a proud mother of preemie boy/girl twins that were born on February 21, 2005. I was 33 weeks when I went into premature labor. We went to the hospital ( 2 hours away ) at which time they put me on meds to help stop my contractions. After 8 hours of being on the medication (Magnesium Sulfate) my contractions wouldn’t stop so my Doctor advised me that he would be doing an emergency c-section. This was at 2:30 a.m. and at 3:36 our son, Trysten 4lbs. 6oz. was born. He was breathing on his own and did well adjusting to the quick outside air. Two minutes later his little sister Mckynzie 4lbs. 3oz. joined him and the many nurses that were there to help care for the babies. Neither one needed oxygen to help them. They seemed to be doing fine. Daddy was there holding their tiny hands while they got their blood taken and the many things they do when babies are premature. The NICU Pediatrician told us that they would be in the hospital for a long while – BUT – Mckynzie thrived and gained weight sucking-swallowing-breathing great! While her big brother was tube fed because he couldn’t breath and eat together. It was just too much work for him. Days went by ( which seemed like years ) We made the 2 hour trip every other day and it was very hard leaving them each time. We found out that Trysten had problems with his heart and it was more than just a hole. Mckynzie had a hole in her heart too but not near the size that her brother’s was. They seemed to think that her’s would close in short time. Mckynzie came home 13 days after she came into the world while we had to leave Trysten in the hospital. I wasn’t too sure that he would do OK with his sister gone. They said he would atleast be in there for another week or two. To our surprise Trysten started gaining weight, eating on his own w/o his tube and passed the “open crib” test. He then came home just 2 days after his sister. Currently they are almost 8 weeks… Trysten weighing in at 8lbs. 13oz. and Mckynzie at 8lbs. 10oz.

April 10th 2005
02:00:47 PM
02:00:47 PM
How did you find our site?
pampers site
Your Story:
My son, Daniel was born at 31 weeks and weighed 3 lbs, .01 oz…luckily I had the shot to mature lungs a week previous and he never needed assistance breathing. Daniel is now 4 1/2 years old, and never been seriously ill, despite all my worries when he was tiny and in the hospital! So never give up hope.

March 19th 2005
06:00:37 AM
06:00:37 AM
Tonya Owens
How did you find our site?
I went to ask.com
Your Story:
My twin girls Amaria and Azaria Owens were due March 25, 2005. I went into preterm labor on January 27, 2005. I was originally supposed to have the twins in Greenwood, Ms. But because the twins came early I had to be rushed to Jackson and have a c-section. The twins were 3lb 9oz. and 3lb and 8oz. The first twin was on oxygen for 2days. The other one came off over night. The twins stayed in the NICU for two week, after that, they were moved to the newborn nursery. They had to have preemie vaccinations, and be monitored very closely before they could come home. On the day that I was scheduled to pick them up I had to have CPR classes. I was working before the twins were borm. THen when they came home I had to say off work with them for awhile. I was going to apply for preemie disability benefits in the state of Mississippi, but they told me that the girls weighed to much when they were born and they did not consider them to be preemies, if this is the case then why did my babies have to stay in Jackson for 2and 1/2 weeks, and why did I have to take the preemie CPR course. They are preemie babies and I really don’t want to leave them with anyone else while I work, but if the state won’t step in and help me, I have no other choice but to leave my preemies in someone else’s hands. That is going to cost even more money because being that they are preemies they are at even higher risk for SIDS and RSV. Someone please offer me some helpful advice.

February 23rd 2005
01:18:55 PM
01:18:55 PM
Crystal Finley
How did you find our site?
Your Story:
I had my twin girls at 24 weeks feb.5,2005 little kimberly and brigitte. we found out early in my pregnecy that brigitte had the left vertticle missing from her heart and mosiac trisomy 18 a cromoone disorder and kiberly had a clubbed foot and that was it.my 24th week i had to go in the hospital and at 10:30pm the 4th i started having contractions and at 2:29 am brigitte was born and 2;39 kimberly was born. I didnt get to see kimberly until the next night in nicu and i only got to hear my baby brigiite cry once we got to keeep her with us bt she died at 3:45 am in her daddys arms it is one of the hardest things to ever go throught o hear your baby and feel her moving ad knowing you cant save her because she is to little to do surgery on it never really gets better but knowiong her sister is here and doing well is the only thing getting us throughif anyone would like information on my story you can email me @ whiskey_girl@charter.net

February 22nd 2005
07:42:30 PM
07:42:30 PM
Billie and John
How did you find our site?
Preemie Twins Search
Your Story:

February 22nd 2005
08:51:34 AM
08:51:34 AM
How did you find our site?
Surfing, Seeking Preemie Info.
Your Story:
Our twins were born 11-12 weeks early in May 2004. The first baby was born weighing 2lbs 11oz and the second was born weighing 2lbs 10oz. They were in the NICU for a total of 57 days. They were on a ventilator for about 2-1/2 3 days each and continued to have rapid heartbeats and extreme rapid breating. They had only one blood transfusion which I heard was good considering how early they were. They were on a nasal canula until a day before they came home. Both babies were diagnosed with BPD and they both had extremely bad reflux. They would spit up and it would come out their little nose and mouth all at once. They would begin to desat (blood oxygen dropped), and become bradacardic (heart rate would drop). The nurses put it to us like this, “they are basicly drowning in their own vommit”. The babies came home with this problem and for two weeks strait we were SO scared. We had nothing but a bulb suction to help them when an episode would happen. They are better now at 9 months actual age, but still battle with some choking with their refux. All babies are true miracles but those of us who go through the preemie experience know that there is an extra special meaning to that and that is Million Dollar Miracles.

February 6th 2005
11:57:07 AM
11:57:07 AM
Latoya Lane
How did you find our site?
Serfering the Internet on Twins
Your Story:
Well My twin boys were born on July 6th 2004 they weren’t suppose to be born until Sept. 29 of 04. They were 12-13wks early. They were so tiny. Matthew Twin A was 2lbs 8oz. He was not breathing when born. Michael Twin B was 2lbs 9oz. And he was breathing on his own and hanging out in the nursery with the nurses. They had to be lifeflighted to a hospital 11/2hr from us. Geisinger Medical Center, Janet Weis Childrens Hospital in Danville Pa. They had sooo many ups and downs. They never really development much. Then Matthew came home weighing 6lbs 4oz. on Sept 11, 2004 before his due date. Michael on the other hand was getting worse after his twin left. He was dignosed with BPD. A chronic lung disease. He will hopefully grow out of it in some years. He also couldn’t suck, sollow, or breathe at the same time. He aspirated, and he had acid reflux bad. He was taken into surgery for a stomach wrap so he doen’t vomit. Then he got a G-tube. which is a tube through the tummy to be fed. He came home on November 17, 2004 and had to go back to the PICU on December 3 till the 8th. Then he came home with oxygen to add to the collection of equipment. Then December 15th he went to our home hospital with pnomonia. He was their for 1 week. Finally he came back home and was doing so much better. He is doing great now. They both are doing so good. Michael has his bad days but wouldn’t you? He is able to drink 5cc from a bottle so he’s working towards it. He weighs 8lbs6oz. and Matthew weighs about 14lbs
So I ve been through so much with my children. Michael is a MILLION DOLLAR miracle they both are but Michael almost died… We didn’t think he’d make it. He had to have steriods to help him and his body turned them down. Matthew had them and he went right up there and came home.

January 31st 2005
02:50:01 AM
02:50:01 AM
Kate Knott
How did you find our site?
The Multiples Manual
Your Story:
After reading other stories here, I feel blessed that our 7 weeks early twins were and are doing so well!!…Willow weighed in at 4lbs. 4.4oz. and Jacob was 4lbs. 9oz. They spent 2 weeks in NICU and Special Care Nurseries at 2 different Hospitals. Jacob was born with a mild lung disease and was under an oxygen hood for 3 days. Willow developed Apnia after a week. They were released to come home on their 13th day of life. Breastfeeding was a challenge to start as it took a week for my milk to come in with my never having colostrom (apparently this sometimes happens in premature births when the mother’s body is not prepared for the blessed event). Then at 4 weeks they were seen for their two week well visit. The doctor said they weren’t gaining weight fast enough so I needed to supplement their feedings by giving them formula instead if the breast at every other feeding. By that night they would not take the breast at all. I was in tears by two am. I had worked so hard to breastfeed them…I called their pediatrician the next morning who disagreed with the well baby doctor about their weight gain and she said to go back to breastfeeding at every feeding and if they were still looking for food at the end of each feeding, to offer them an ounce of formula. Unfortunately, by then it was too late. No matter how hard I tried, they would not take the breast. So after a month of hard work, my children have to be bottle fed. I miss the closeness I had with their sister whom I was able to breastfeed for 5 and a half months before she stopped on her own.