
What To Use For Dry, Stuffy, Irritated Noses

Runny nose, itching, burning, difficulty breathing as well as discomfort around sinuses can indicate that patient has inflammation of mucous membrane or rhinitis. This problem can appear regardless of one’s age. During summer, it usually appears due to an allergic reaction. Regardless of the cause (whether it is some microorganism or allergen), if mucous membrane […]

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5 Signs of Pain in Infants

There is nothing more unsettling than to see a baby who appears to be very uncomfortable; especially since they are not able to communicate in terms that we, as adults, can always clearly decipher. If you are parent with a new baby, we can definitely understand why you might be a bit on edge about

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What Parents of Preemie Twins Need to Know About Flat Head Syndrome

It seems like the recommendations for safe baby sleeping are always changing and it can be hard to keep up. We are now told to place our babies on their backs to sleep, which is very different from the tummy or side position babies that was recommended for previous generations. The risk of Sudden Infant

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5 ways to fulfil your child’s medical emergency needs

It is very rare for kids to become completely sick without any warnings or symptoms. Based on the symptoms that your child is getting you should consult your kid’s paediatrician for advice or any suggestion. Early acknowledgment of symptoms and treatment should be given to avert future health problems or medical emergency. What is a

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