
Meet Tami Gaines, author of “Preemie Parents: 26 Ways To Grow With Your Premature Baby”

At the encouragement of parents, doctors and hospital administrators, Tami has written Preemie Parents, 26 Little Ways to Grow With Your Premature Baby, to help other parents cope as she has — with heart wide open to learning life’s lessons. Both practical and inspirational, Tami has revolutionized the way people experience prematurity, divorce and other unexpected crises. Tami returns power to those who feel powerless as they go through their challenges by reminding them that “the context that we give our experiences is ultimately our defining story.”

Meet Tami Gaines, author of “Preemie Parents: 26 Ways To Grow With Your Premature Baby” Read More »

Causes of Milk Allergies in Infants

Children’s allergic reaction to milk is caused when certain proteins found in milk are rejected by the body’s immune system. If the immune system cannot recognize the milk proteins then they are treated as foreign objects and a hypersensitive reaction ensues. The immune system is supposed to identify milk proteins as harmless, but the false

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Expecting Twins or Parenting Twins? Don’t Let Older Siblings Lose Out!

Twins are a major attention magnet and that’s true even while you’re pregnant. But what happens to older siblings in the process? They can often lose out on time and attention and only gets worse after the twins are born. Take the attention a new baby usually gets and double it or treble it, especially

Expecting Twins or Parenting Twins? Don’t Let Older Siblings Lose Out! Read More »

Choosing Baby Names for Twins

Coming up with a name for one baby is hard enough. Coming up with names for twins, or multiples of three or more, creates a whole new level of difficulty, stress, and possibly anxiety. When you need to name twins, it involves more than simply coming up with a baby name, times two. There are

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