The Best Guide to Pumping Breast Milk at Work

The Best Guide to Pumping Breast Milk at work

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Pumping milk at your workplace can cause a lot of nervousness and worry which can lead to confusion on how to act.

The Best Guide to Pumping Breast Milk at work

This guide will seek to provide answers and help you power through these shaky moments.

Set up a schedule

Setting things in order has to be one way to tackle this hurdle and this can be accomplished by coming up with a well-defined schedule. A schedule will let you have a firmer grip on things at your workplace and even at home. When you are at work try as much to pump according to the schedule that you have set which may be after every three hours and this will help you not to forget as you go by your work

Pick your breast pump carefully

When it comes to picking a breast pump to use, you really have to be wise in choosing one as a wrong choice can turn things against you. There are a few things to consider before choosing the right one for your use and these may include

  • Loudness – A loud breast pump can be pretty embarrassing especially at your workplace and the     recommendation is to go with a quiet one
  • Portability – The easiness of carrying a pump from place to place would be an excellent choice for the workplace.

Invest in a cooler

When pumping milk at work there is always the huge risk that the milk will go bad even before you can get it home to your baby. The answer to this will be to finding a cooler or refrigerator to chill it until it is really ready for use. A personal portable cooler would be a great choice as it would avoid the risk of tampering and avoid causing awkward moments.

Find a comfortable spot to pump

Discomfort can affect the amount of milk you pump for storage and it is therefore always advisable to find a spot at your workplace where you will be comfortable enough. In case your workplace does not offer such a place it could be wise to speak to the human resource department to see if such a place can be availed

Manage the stress

Getting back to work after having a kid can quickly put you over the edge and counter your efforts to try and pump milk at your workplace. You have to find ways to cope with this stress in order to keep pumping milk. Such ways might include trying out some regular exercise or asking for help from your partner with duties around.

Know how to handle awkward situations

Pumping milk at your workplace by any means sounds weird and with insensitive workmates, this can easily escalate and bring you a lot of stress. Leaks can occur as you breastfeed, making wet patches on your shirt which can be pretty embarrassing moments for you!

Wearing a breast pad can aid in absorbing these leaks. You can also speak with the human resource department if coworkers become rude and really insensitive.

Although pumping milk at work is quite stressful a positive attitude combined with this guide will not only make this experience easier but with continuous practice, it will no longer feel strange. In case it gets overwhelming, try to think of your cute sweet baby and what you are doing for him/her.

Remember, most women have already walked in these same shoes and it would also be wise to seek more advice from them. This will better prepare you and give you a clearer and better insight into pumping milk at work!

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