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The first year of your baby’s life has no doubt been a wild ride with countless dirty diapers and nights of no sleep. While every family should have at least a few checkups under their belt within those first few months, it is important to schedule a checkup at the 12 month mark.
These checkups are not only a great time for the doctor to ensure that your child is healthy, it is also the perfect opportunity for you to ask any lingering questions to make sure that your child is developing properly. As you prepare for your child’s one-year checkup, consider discussing the following questions with your pediatrician.
In This Post:
1. Should I Change Feeding Habits?
During the first 12 months of a child’s life, their diet should be highly-regulated and they should steer clear of all processed food. According to specialists, it is around the 12 month mark that children can begin to try almost any adult food. It is important to speak with the doctor, however, so that you know exactly how to introduce new foods. This is especially important if the child is predisposed to any food allergies that could cause relatively serious issues at this age.
2. Are My Child’s Bowel Movements Normal?
A baby’s bowel movements are one of the best indicators of their overall health. The color and consistency of the bowel movement will let parents and the doctors know if the child is healthy, what their diet is like, and even if they are sick. If the child’s bowel movements seem painful or unusual, parents should speak with their doctor about possible issues.
3. How Much Should My Child Be Sleeping per Night?
Sleep is one of the single most important things for a child under the age of one and a majority of their day and night should be spent sleeping and napping. When they turn one, the average child should be sleeping for around 12 to 14 hours a night with two daytime naps. According to professionals at Zoe Pediatrics in Columbus GA, if your child is sleeping less than 12 hours a night or having difficulty taking a few naps per day, it is a good idea to bring it up to the doctor.
4. How Can I Soothe a Teething Child?
The average 1-year old will have at least a handful of teeth erupting from their upper and lower jaw. They should also be preparing for both of their upper and lower molars to come through. The 12 month checkup is the perfect time to speak with the doctor about options for soothing a child that is experiencing pain in their mouth, and asking when the first appointment should be made with the dentist.
5. Is My Child at Risk of Any Medical Conditions in Particular?
Many children are going to be at risk of minor deficiencies or common health problems such as rashes, but parents should know if there are any particular medical complications that they should be wary of. The doctor will generally ask about the family’s medical history and if there were any complications at birth. They can then give parents an idea of issues to look out for such as vision problems or anemia.
6. What Shots Does My Child Need?
One year checkup shots
have come under quite a bit of scrutiny, but there are a handful of shots that every pediatrician will generally suggest for 1-year old babies. Parents that are uncomfortable with the idea of giving their children multiple shots at once should speak with the doctor about exactly what each shot is, how it works, its success rate, and what it prevents.
The 12 month checkup is an important milestone for any family. By coming to these appointments prepared, parents can ensure that their child will be happy and healthy in the coming years. Write down your questions before the appointment so that you don’t forget to address any topics when the doctor comes in. You’ll rest easy knowing what to expect during the next 12 months of your child’s life, especially with a qualified medical professional at your disposal.