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If you’re a first time mom, you may not know what to pack to take to the hospital with you. And if you’re pregnant with your second, third, fourth (or more) child, you probably don’t have time to pack a hospital bag. Trust me, I know this from experience!
I was only 18 when pregnant with my first child. I was young and naive and had no idea what to expect, much less know what to pack in a hospital bag. For one, I thought I’d be able to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes right after birth, so that’s what I packed to wear home. Boy was I wrong! My mom had to bring me maternity clothes to wear home when I was discharged with my newborn baby. I also had no idea that one has to give birth to the placenta after giving birth to the baby, but that’s another story for another day.
My twins were born over 13 weeks early, so I obviously did not have a hospital bag packed for them. Again my mom had to bring me clothes to wear home. And my last child was three weeks early (luckily with no complications), but I literally had no time to even think about packing a hospital bag while caring for three other small children at home, two of them with special needs (the twins).
I wish the doctor’s office would’ve given me a hospital bag checklist so I would’ve been able to pack a bag for the hospital when having a baby. And my kids were born pre-internet days, so I couldn’t just google for a check list. Pregnant women today are super lucky as The Mother Duck online takes care of everything for expecting moms with their hospital bag collection – these are pre-packed hospital bags that include everything expecting mothers need for labor and delivery. What a great baby shower gift idea!
Besides hospital bags (which can be then be used as baby diaper bags), The Mother Duck also carries designer maternity pajamas to pack, postpartum care and recovery products and more. Check out TheMotherDuck.com to see these and more.