Guest Post: How to Build a Positive Relationship with Your Daughter

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A relationship requires you to nurture it with care and understanding. The same holds true for a mother-daughter relationship as well. This relationship needs even more effort as there are always problems pertaining to the space which parents are willing to give to the child. Mothers may want to exercise their authority while daughters may turn rebellious. A balance is needed indeed. Let’s see how women can go about ensuring that they share an amiable relationship with their daughters.

1. Give them space

This is often a very contentious issue. Mothers feel the need to guide their daughters while the daughters are averse to an intrusion into their space. It is important for you to understand that you can only act as a mentor and that too in a subtle manner but it is for your daughter to live her life and to explore what it holds for her. Having someone to guide her may save her from unpleasant experiences but it is impossible for you to set boundaries for your child. If you do, you will only see your daughter turn rebellious.

2. Discuss issues in an intelligent manner

Even when you want to advice your daughter, broach a topic and allow for an interaction to take place. Do not list out the do’s and don’ts straightaway. Listen to what your daughter has to say. Take it forward and say how you would have handled a particular issue differently. Convey the consequences of improper handling of issues. Never allow the conversation to degenerate into an argument. There are some issues on which you may not be able to convince your daughter. Allay your apprehensions by talking over the issue every now and then.

3. Look at things objectively

It is only expected for you to get emotional when it comes to the well being of your child but remember that it is not necessary for you to know about everything. Be willing to listen and to know more. Keep your biases aside and try to understand a situation objectively. Age gap is by itself difficult to bridge. You will have to look at things even from your daughter’s point of view.

4. Keep communication channels open

Even in the worst of circumstances, remember that nothing can be resolved without talking. If any issue is getting out of hand try to keep things cordial. Your relationship with your daughter does not begin with or end at one issue. It is there to stay despite the occasional problems you may encounter.

5. Never impose your ideas

It is possible that you were an understanding daughter but do not expect the same from your daughter all the time. Communicate your ideas without expecting your daughter to follow them as a rule. Let her take a stand on issues. Help her become a confident individual who can take right decisions on her own.

If both sides make an effort, then a relationship can only be cordial. If either mother or daughter is less willing to understand then the other person needs to make more effort to bring the relationship on track and to keep it that way. Mothers need to take a more mature approach in order to instill in their daughters a sense of value for each relationship.

About the author: Alia Haley is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology and autos. Beside this she is fond of cars and fancy dresses. Recently an article on Home remedies attracted her attention. These days she is busy in writing an article on megan fox before and after.

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