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Difficult times occur for everyone, and when that happens people generally turn to their families first. Families provide support in a way that few other relationships can match. Sometimes, however, the crisis is so big that it impacts the entire family. However, when this happens, families can still provide support for each other.
Here are five tips that family members can use to support each other when difficult times strike.
In This Post:
1. Unite
The adults in the family should be prepared to set the tone of the response to crisis, and they should also take the lead in helping each family member find a way to help weather the storm. However, each family member can and should take a role in dealing with the difficult situation. Agreeing to set aside individual differences and old hurts until after the crisis has passed and working together to get through it will create strong family bonds that will last long after things have improved. There is no better time to be united than during a crisis.
2. Look For The Positive
Find something positive to focus on. This can prevent family members from feeling overwhelmed by the situation. Look for real positives and do what you can to highlight and enhance them. Being flexible and willing to adapt and work with what you have will make you and your family stronger today and in the future. Always remember that no matter what you are going through at least you will always have each other.
3. Communicate
Encourage everyone in the family to talk about their thoughts and feelings about the situation. Negative feelings are normal under these circumstances, so be sure to open up and let them out. Allowing even the youngest family members to express those feelings respectfully will help your family and its members survive hard times without damage. This can really help you become more united and really be able to better understand how everyone is feeling.
4. Use Spiritual Resources
Whether it is a supportive spiritual community or simply a life philosophy, this is the time to rely on your spiritual resources. Attending religious services, praying, meditating, or simply talking about your spiritual beliefs can provide strength, hope, and peace for your family.
5. Ask for Help
Although your family may be its own main support, some situations call for outside help. This help may be in the form of friends, family, neighbors, or religious institutions. However, sometimes professional help is needed. Whether it is a cancer specialist, a local spiritual counselor, or a wrongful death attorney, reaching for help from a knowledgeable expert can sometimes be the key to resolving a serious crisis.
Difficult times can test any family. How you respond to these times, as well as how you encourage your family to respond, can be the key to coming through a crisis as a strong, intact family.