Guest Story: MoMo Girls

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I have 10 weeks old identical twin girls.  They were born at 31 weeks and 2 days.  We went through IVF, one egg took and then split.  It split late, both girls were in the same amniotic sac – Monoamniotic Monochorionic.  We were originally told that they cold be conjoined, but thankfully they were not.  I was admitted to the hospital at 26 weeks.  I was scheduled for a c section at 34 weeks, but my water broke early.  The girls were 3lbs each when they were born. They spent 3 1/2 weeks in the NICU gaining weight and learning to take a bottle.  One was on a nasal canula for a few days; the other required no breathing help.  Both had episodes of Bradycardias – very scary.  They are both 6lbs 3oz and 18 inches long – as of their pediatrician appointment last week.