Does Your Child Need Glasses? Signs to Look For

Does my Child Need Glasses?

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Vision problems that go undetected can negatively impact your child’s performance both in the classroom and outside it. Understanding eye health can help you recognize some of the signs of vision problems, especially in young children who may not know they have these issues. After an eye exam, eye problems can usually be corrected with glasses or later with laser surgery. Discussed here are some symptoms to watch for, that maybe be a sign your child may need glasses.


This is one of the most common and earliest sign of a vision problem. Squinting may be an indication of a refractive disorder that makes a child near sighted and far sighted, and affects how the eyes focus on an image. Squinting enables a child to focus and see more clearly. These problems can be solved by use of glasses.

Head Tilting

This mainly indicates a possibility of diplopia (double vision) whereby the child sees double images of everything. This can be due to misaligned eyes or a lazy eye disorder. By tilting the head, the angle of vision is adjusted temporarily improving vision.

Excessive Eye Rubbing

Excessive eye rubbing in a child indicates eye strain and fatigue. Eye strain is usually a sign of different types of vision problems and conditions. Glasses can help with eye straining, and your doctor will probably give you a more complete diagnosis.

Getting Too Close to TV

Signs of short sightedness may be indicated by your child leaning too close when doing their homework, sits too close to TV, or brings a tablet too close to the eyes. This can be corrected by use of glasses, though make sure they aren’t just getting absorbed by what’s in front of them first.

Recurrent Headaches

A headache can be a symptom of different problems. However, when they are recurrent in a young child especially behind the eyes, they may be caused by vision problems. This usually occurs as a result of tired eye muscles which overwork as they strain to correct poor vision.

Tripping and Bumping

Children with vision problems can be seen as clumsy. When your child bumps into corners and other objects that other children don’t run into, it could be a sign that they have a problem with their vision which requires correction with glasses. 

There are many signs that your child may be having a vision problem. Many of the vision problems can be corrected with the appropriate eye examination and eye glasses. By understanding your child’s eye problem, you can get the appropriate glasses for them.