Baby Bingo Printable Baby Shower Game

Items needed for this baby shower game:
  • Printer with ink and paper
  • Pens (if you forget these, most guests will have a pen or two in the purse)

Game Directions:

  • Click on image below to print just the “BINGO” game.
  • Print or make copies so you have one to hand out to every guest.
  • Before the mom-to-be opens presents, have the guests write down different common baby shower gifts in the squares (i.e. baby bottle, blanket, onesie, socks).
    The guests CANNOT write down the gift they gave the mom-to-be though!
  • When the mom-to-be opens her presents, if she gets ones of the items they wrote down, they can cross it off.
  • The first one to get BINGO (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) is the winner!
    If BINGO occurs fast, have them keep playing to get a blackout.
