75% of Conjoined Twins are Female

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Seems the media has been covering a lot stories on conjoined twins (once dubbed Siamese twins) lately. My twins’ softball coach asked my twins if they were once conjoined at the stomach, as they have matching surgerical scars on her abdomens. Nope, instead they were both victims of Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) and had to have parts of their instestines removed that had been infected and died. At that time (12 years ago), the fatality rate was for NEC was about 80%. So every time I’m at my wits ends with Macy’s OCD fits, I have to remind myself that she is lucky to be alive. When the twins were first born, they looked identical. I could only tell them apart by their feet (Macy’s feet were bigger than Mallory’s). The doctor had said they could either be identical or fraternal as they had one umbilical cord and two sacks. But looking at them today, they rarely even look related somedays. Definitely not identical!