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Babies sure don’t come with a handbook, but enough people have gone through the experience of child rearing that you can actually get tons of books (and loads of advice from friends and family) pertaining to what to expect once your baby arrives. But as with every intimate experience in life (from prom night to your wedding night to pregnancy and labor) there are certain things that people are simply unwilling to share. But it is just this type of embarrassing or potentially horrifying detail that you need to know so that you can be properly prepared! Otherwise you could end up thinking that your child is abnormal or that he needs medical attention for something that is perfectly natural.
Here are just a few things that no one ever tells you about babies.
- Misshapen head. Only babies born by C-section escape this phenomenon, which occurs when the head is squeezed through the birth canal. The bones in a baby’s head are not fully formed on birth for this very reason, but it can leave your little one’s noggin looking rather odd. Some parents get special pillows to ensure a nice, round shape, but this is largely unnecessary as the bones will shift and fuse together naturally.
- Swollen genitalia. It is not uncommon for babies of both genders to pop out with what appears to be overly large genitalia (labia for females, testicles for males). Don’t worry; your baby is not deformed! This happens for a couple of reasons, one of which is related to the pressure of birthing. The tissue may also simply be retaining water. And keep in mind that babies have been sharing your blood supply for the last several months, meaning that they may be temporarily imbued with maternal hormones. The swelling should subside within a few weeks. As for females, these hormones can also be responsible for small amounts of bloody discharge (like spotting) in the diaper, which is likely to freak most parents out. As long as the discharge is not bright red, occurring in abundance, or lasting longer than a few days, there is no real cause for concern.
- Constant hunger. Another frequent concern for new mothers is the amount of milk a baby consumes. During the first few weeks it can seem like they’re feeding around the clock. This is perfectly normal, especially with breastfeeding. The natural function of this is to get your milk flowing in larger quantities (to compensate for a growing baby), and breast-milk is also absorbed more quickly and completely, causing your child to feel hungry again before too long.
- Callused lips. Small blisters on the lips may be due to intense or extended sucking, and your baby can be born with them (if he suck his thumb in the womb) or develop them over time. They are no cause for concern as they cause your baby no harm. And in fact, the prevailing wisdom is that they can actually help babies to latch on and nurse. They will disappear eventually.
- Peeling skin. Once your baby is born and the waxy substance that protects the skin is wiped away, it’s pretty common for the top layer of dermis to become dry and flaky, mainly on the hands and feet, but possibly all over the body. This is not a rash or disease of some sort and you don’t need to apply excessive moisturizer or peel away the flakes. The condition will correct itself within a couple of weeks, leaving your baby’s skin soft and smooth.
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