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It’s a hard thing for any parent to care for a child with asthma; especially when it’s not their only child. Parents should always be alert and aware of symptoms so asthma treatment can be given as soon as the child is diagnosed.
Having a Child with Asthma
Many conditions in young children can cause asthma-like symptoms. But it is good to get a diagnosis early if you suspect asthma may be the culprit. This way, the proper treatment is provided more quickly and their symptoms are addressed.
Diagnosis and treatment of asthma in children vary by age group. Treatments for kids 5 years and younger differ from older children, and the dosage may be different for every child. As a parent, your job will be easier if you can record an action plan which tracks symptoms and treatment. This plan should be developed with your pediatrician if possible.
Common asthma signs and symptoms include:
• An uncomfortable feeling in the chest
• Coughing
• Recurring bronchitis
• Trouble breathing
• Wheezing
Asthma Emergencies
An asthma emergency can be fatal for some children and may require treatment in an emergency room. Be aware of the signs and symptoms of an asthma emergency in young children, which include:
• Breathing in sharply
• Gasping for air
• Restricted breathing causing difficulty in speakingHave their treatment on hand at all times, which may include putting inhalers everywhere from the glovebox to the kitchen.
Asthma Treatment in Young Children
Oftentimes it is difficult to diagnose asthma in young children. They may show asthma-like symptoms like coughing and wheezing, but the cause could be anything from a viral infection to a cold. A definite diagnosis not be possible until a child reaches a certain age.
Based on the records you keep of how your child’s present medications work with asthma symptoms, your doctor will adjust the medications to a higher or lower dosage. There are some medications that may not be approved for children, but the doctor may prescribe them according to their findings and judgment. Medical malpractice lawyers from McLaughlin & Lauricella, P.C. say it’s good to double check with the pharmacist on dosage amounts to prevent errors.
Long-Term Control MedicationsLong-term medications or maintenance drugs are taken every day for a few weeks or months to control continuing asthma. These types of maintenance medications include:
• Inhaled corticosteroids – common medications for asthma for asthma in younger children
• Leukotriene modifiers – secondary treatment
• Cromolyn – prevents asthma attacks
• Theophylline – to relax the muscles around the airways and make breathing easier
An important part of dealing with your child’s asthma is learning exactly what steps to take on a daily basis. It’s also important you understand the purpose of each part of monitoring and treatment and are able to respond properly to any situation.