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Pregnancy is the most rewarding and much awaited event in every family. The birth of a child brings unending joy to any household, much more when there are two babies born on that same glorious day. Two babies mean double the fun for the family; however, it also means the mom should double her effort to lose weight after pregnancy. Here are some tips on how to get back on your pre-pregnancy shape after having twins.
Tip #1 Start before pregnancy
Whether you are planning a child or not, the fact that you are a woman means you are bound to conceive when the time comes. To get back into shape faster, you need to boost up your metabolism and maintain an ideal weight before getting pregnant because it is easier to shed off the pounds when your pre-pregnancy shape is slim and slender. Aside from that, the discipline you have in maintaining a figure will be carried out even after you gave birth; if you are a binge eater before pregnancy, you will most likely do the same during and after pregnancy, thus weight loss is harder to achieve.
Tip #2 Take it one step at a time
Do not take drastic steps to lose weight as this will only cause depression, besides it did took you approximately nine months to gain all those weight. Take things slowly and surely. Set an attainable, realistic, and healthy goal.
Averagely, women who are having twins gain around 35 to 55 pounds during pregnancy. Around 20 to 25 pounds of this will be lost upon delivery (weight of the babies, placenta, blood loss, and amniotic fluid). That means you are left with around 15 to 30 pounds of total weight after giving birth. It is recommended to lose a pound per week when you are strong enough to start your weight loss routine.
Tip #3 Do not underestimate the power of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding allows you to burn around 500 calories per day. Since you have twins, your body will be working twice as much for energy and milk production. For the same reason, your doctor would be advising you to increase your calorie intake to cope with the demand. Don’t be afraid to follow such order because you will be burning it anyway.
Tip #4 Eat nutritious foods with just the right amount of calories
You need to get all the nutrients from different types of food; that includes protein, carbohydrates, fats, calcium, and vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are essential for you to get back on your toes after all the things you’ve been through. However, you need to follow the recommended daily amount of calories set for you by your doctor. If you are breastfeeding, you need to consume more calories than those who are feeding formula milk to their babies. But then again, do not be afraid to breastfeed due to the increased calorie requirement because the amount of calories you’ll be burning is more than that.
Tip #5 Exercise as soon as you’re able
Always put your twins on the top of your priority list; you may position your weight loss goals a step below. You may seek the help of your partner or close friends and family for childcare so you can allocate at least an hour a day to exercise. Don’t proceed with muscle toning workouts immediately. It would be best to start with cardio exercises first like treadmills and stationary bikes. When the twins get older, playing with them will surely bring your heart rate to the fat burning zone faster than any equipment.
Chris is a parent of premature twins and she knows very well the difficulties in raising twins. In her blog she talks about how to lose weight healthy and in a natural way.