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Most of the parents like to know all about the unborn baby in the mother’s womb during the pregnancy. A 4D Ultrasound scan is a special type of scan which allows the parents to have glance into the womb. This technology helps the doctors to ensure the baby develops without any problems. A 4d baby scan will clearly show you what the baby looks like. Earlier 2D Ultrasounds were used to monitor the pregnancies, but with the development of the technology, 3D and 4D scans were introduced. 4D ultrasound service scans will provide three dimensional preview of the baby, but not the flat image of the baby.
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What are the advantages of the 4D Baby Ultrasounds?
• With this amazing technology, it’s possible to find all the baby’s features very clearly. This feature helps the doctors to know the status of the unborn baby.
• The additional function of this is that that it can easily find the gender of the baby and the heartbeat as well as the scan of the whole body.
• The 4D ultrasounds technology will help the doctors and the sonographers do tests that are not possible with other scans. It helps to find the improvement of the fetal motion.
• In 2D Ultrasounds scans, it requires a doctor or sonographers to find the status of the fetus. But in the 4D Ultrasounds scan doctors can confirm the status of the fetus within few minutes. This is an advanced technology of this particular product.
• In 2D Ultrasounds scan it requires a lot of observation from the doctor’s side. But 4D baby ultrasounds scans can guide the doctors to rotate the 3D images within a stored volume. This feature is very effective and makes it much easy for the doctors to work with.
• It doesn’t require any order from the doctor to perform it, and it can be done at any private ultrasound business that specializes in 4D scanning things.
• It’s one of the important advantage is that it can finish it’s observation within 20 minutes.
What can a 4D Baby Ultrasound tell you about your baby?
• The health and the heart beat of the baby can be notified through this advanced technology.
• The size of the baby can be found out by this scan. This will give an idea to the doctors for the next steps to start with.
• The conditions of the certain organs of the body such as the brain, kidney and spine can be observed constantly.
• The date of birth of the baby can be guessed approximately with the help of this advanced scan.
• You can see the movement of the baby inside the mother’s womb more like a movie. You can see it in the real time action and you can get the copy of the DVD to show it to your family and friends.
Are 4D Baby Ultrasounds scans safe for the unborn baby?
This is the most important question every parents before having this scan. The doctors answer is a confirmed “Yes”. They say it’s equally safe comparing to the 2D Ultrasounds scan. 4D Baby Ultrasounds scans don’t carry any form of radiations which can affect the unborn baby.