Thank You Notes for Preemie Babies

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If you’ve had a premature baby, you will know that people are hesitant to buy you any baby gifts, because people tend to be more pessimistic than optimistic about your baby’s future outcome. So even if friends and family have sent flowers and/or brought over food to your home, you still need to send them a thank you note. Even non-monetary gifts such as driving you to the hospital or babysitting siblings while you visit your baby in the NICU are worthy of a thank you, because time (and gas) is money, too. And it’s the thought that counts.

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Want to make your thank you note even more special? Why not write personalized thank you poems? Using your baby’s name within the poem makes the poem unique to your situation. Customize the poem even more by adding the recipient’s name/s. This can be done easily using a computer program to simply find and replace names, which surely beats out handwriting all those thank you notes!

Once your baby is out of the NICU and the real baby gifts pour in, then you can send out real baby shower thank you notes to show your gratitude for the gifts. Don’t forget to include a photo of your bundle of joy!