DIY Videos for Parents of Preemies

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Blip.TV is a free online service that offers producers a way to distribute diy videos. While they do not have any big television shows, they have many specialized shows that help in areas alienated by cable. One of those areas that are hardly covered by regular cable is life with preemie children.

One of the main shows available to those with children born prematurely is This show is a series that is part of a main forum where dads can communicate. Moms all have groups to run to and get advice, but often times, men do not have that available. One episode available to parents of preemie children is Beat the NICU. Families who are faced with children born before thirty-six weeks gestation can find what options are available for them. You will get an inside look at the hospital and what care options are available to fathers. Another one of the episodes on Blip.TV is Preemie Parents Hand to Hold. This episode offers resource information, as well as support from other parents with children in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, or NICU.

Women also will need help with having a premature child, especially if they have never had a preemie before. There are many things you will need to know, and Blip.TV offers an episode for you as well. Dr. Bernadette Melnyk offers tips for new moms in a Howdini episode.

Having a child prior to your due date can be dangerous, and fatal. Parents will be expected to put in a lot more love and work to keep their baby healthy as the immune system strengthens. Moms and dads will both need tips and support since the workload increases. Cable television does not offer much in the way of support and information, but Blip.TV steps in. Having a child prematurely is not the end of the world, and with the right information, children can grow and catch up to full term babies quickly.